
Latest version: v0.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 702150 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- `ddconst.plotting.colors`
- add green and blue color sequences
- rename `light_blue` to `blue_light`


- colors for plotting

How to release

How to release into *PyPi* repository:
1. do all the usual Git stuff
2. build Python binaries, use the interpreter/virtual environment where all the required libraries are installed:
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel bdist_egg

> the command above will populate the `dist/` directory with package binaries
3. upload binaries to *PyPi*, use the interpreter where the package `twine` is installed
python -m twine upload -s -i <key_id> dist/*

> - `-s` - require signing of packages
> - `-i` - identity of the PGP key to use for signing


How to install into a local virtual environment:

1. do all the usual Git stuff
2. run
cd ddconst
pip install -e ./

> This installs the development version of the package, where changes are automatically available within the environment



Has known vulnerabilities

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