
Latest version: v5.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 702510 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fixed a bug that caused the mask that was applied to the original data to also be applied to the new data set when subtracting impedances.
- Fixed bugs related to keybindings in the file dialog window.
- Fixed bugs causing plots in the `Fitting` and `Simulation` tabs to have incorrect heights on Windows.


- Added `Getting started` window when running DearEIS for the first time.
- Added ability to replace outliers with interpolated points.
- Added `Process` button to the `Data sets` tab in the spot where the `Average` button used to be and clicking the button opens a popup with `Average`, `Interpolate`, and `Subtract` buttons.
- Added multiple plot types to most tabs and several modal windows as sub-tabs for each plot type.
- Added ability to perform batch analyses via the GUI.
- Added `Series resistance/capacitance/inductance` rows to the statistics table in the `Kramers-Kronig` tab.
- Added `Z-HIT analysis` tab for reconstructing modulus data from phase data.
- Added `Timeout` setting for the TR-RBF method in the `DRT analysis` tab.
- Added a row for the log pseudo chi-squared to the statistics table in the `Fitting` tab.
- Added highlighting of fitted parameters with values that were restricted by the lower or upper limit in the `Fitting` tab.
- Added an `Adjust parameters` button, which brings up a window for adjusting initial values with a real-time preview, to the `Fitting` and `Simulation` tabs.
- Added `Duplicate` button to the `Plotting` tab.
- Added a window for defining a path to a Python script/package that defines one or more user-defined elements using pyimpspec's API.
- Added setting for specifying how many parallel processes to use when, e.g., fitting circuits.
- Updated to use version 4.0.0 of pyimpspec.
- Updated project file and configuration file structures.
- Updated DRTSettings implementation regarding the settings for the m(RQ)fit method.
- Updated how "save as" works for projects (a new project tab is created alongside the original project tab after saving).
- Updated how result labels are displayed in their respective drop-down lists.
- Updated labels on plot axes, table headers, etc.
- Updated the layout of the window for averaging data sets.
- Updated tooltips.
- Updated the `Subtract impedances` function to result in the creation of a new data set instead of replacing the existing data set.
- Updated the keybindings in most of the modal windows to be based on similar keybindings that are available in other contexts (i.e., these keybindings are also affected by changes made by the user).
- Switched to Sphinx for documentation.


- Updated dependency versions.
- Fixed a bug that caused `utility.format_number` to produce results with two exponents when given certain inputs.


- Updated documentation.


- Updated minimum version for pyimpspec.


- Added labels above the circuit previes in the `Fitting` and `Simulation` tabs to clarify that those correspond to the circuits used in the chosen result rather than what is specified in the settings on the left-hand side.
- Added button that opens URL to tutorials.
- Updated how/when certain assets are rendered during startup.
- Updated how the y-axis limits of DRT plots are automatically adjusted.
- Updated tooltips.
- Fixed a bug that caused data sets to be incorrectly prevented from being selected in the `Average of multiple data sets` and `Subtract impedance` windows.
- Fixed a bug that caused DRT results to not always load properly.

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