
Latest version: v3.2.4

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Not secure

.. _debops v2.0.0:


New DebOps roles

- The :ref:`debops.lxd` role brings support for LXD on Debian hosts by building
the Go binaries from source, without Snap installation.


- The DebOps Python package now includes the ``debops.<role>(5)`` manual pages
for most of the DebOps roles with details about role usage, variable
definition and the like. The manual pages are based on the existing role

- The DebOps project directories can now include the
:file:`ansible/global-vars.yml` file which can be used to define :ref:`global
Ansible variables <global_vars>` that can affect playbook initialization.

:ref:`debops.docker_registry` role

- The :envvar:`docker_registry__basic_auth_except_get` variable allows to setup
a simple authentication schema without the need to deploy a fully blown
Docker Registry Token Authentication.

:ref:`debops.docker_server` role

- Add `docker_server__install_virtualenv` setting to disable python virtualenv installation.

:ref:`debops.gitlab_runner` role

- The role can now use DNS SRV resource records to find the GitLab API host
address. Additionally, GitLab Runner token can be stored in the
:file:`secret/` directory in a predetermined location to avoid exposing it
via the Ansible inventory. See the role documentation for details.

:ref:`debops.icinga` role

- The role now configures the Icinga REST API to also listen on IPv6 addresses.
It is possible to change the listen address and port through the
``icinga__api_listen`` and ``icinga__api_port`` variables.

:ref:`debops.nslcd` role

- The role will now use a LDAP host filter by default, to allow for easy
control over what UNIX accounts and UNIX groups are present on which hosts
using the ``host`` LDAP attribute.

:ref:`debops.postgresql_server` role

- A given PostgreSQL server cluster can be configured to enable `standby
replication mode`__, and receive streaming replication data from a master
PostgreSQL server. See role documentation for examples.

.. __:

- The :command:`autopostgresqlbackup` script can be configured to tell the
:command:`pg_dump` command to compress the generated backup files on the fly
instead of creating a separate ``.sql`` file and compressing it afterwards.
This mode is currently disabled by default.

:ref:`debops.resolvconf` role

- The role can now define static DNS configuration to be merged with other DNS
data sources in the :file:`/etc/resolv.conf` configuration file.

:ref:`debops.roundcube` role

- The Roundcube installation is now more integrated with the DebOps
environment. The role will automatically configure :ref:`Redis
<debops.redis_server>` and :ref:`memcached <debops.memcached>` support if
they are detected on the Roundcube host, which should improve application

- If LDAP infrastructure is detected on the host, Roundcube will be configured
to use the LDAP directory managed by DebOps as an address book.

- The ManageSieve Roundcube plugin will be enabled by default to allow
configuration of Sieve filter scripts. The role will use the DNS SRV resource
records to find the Sieve service host and port to use.

- The role can now use PostgreSQL as a database backend. The database server
can be managed with the :ref:`debops.postgresql_server` role.

:ref:`debops.slapd` role

- The :ref:`mailservice <slapd__ref_mailservice>` LDAP schema has been added to
the :ref:`debops.slapd` role. It provides a set of object classes and
attributes useful for defining e-mail recipients and simple mail distribution
lists in the LDAP directory.



- Reorder :file:`bootstrap.yml` Ansible playbook to also work for systems freshly
installed from CD. :ref:`debops.apt` needs to be run early to regenerate
:file:`/etc/apt/sources.list` which might still contain a now not functional
CD entry.

- Most of the role dependencies have been moved either to the playbooks or to
the role task lists using the ``import_role`` Ansible module.

- The official DebOps roles have been renamed and the ``debops.`` prefix has
been dropped from the directory names to better support Ansible Collections.
Custom playbooks and role dependencies which use the DebOps roles have to be
updated to work again.

- The :file:`<role_name>/env` "sub-roles" in various DebOps roles have been
redesigned for use via the ``import_role`` Ansible module to improve support
for Ansible Collections. Existing Ansible playbooks that use such "sub-roles"
will have to be updated; check the playbooks included in DebOps for the new
usage examples.

- The ``collections:`` keyword was added in all DebOps playbooks to support
usage with roles, modules and other plugins in an Ansible Collection. Due to
this, Ansible 2.8+ is required to use DebOps playbooks.

- The paths to the passwords stored in the :file:`secret/` directory by various
roles have been changed to use the ``inventory_hostname`` variable instead of
the ``ansible_fqdn`` variable. This change will result in passwords set in
various services to be regenerated, which might have an impact on service
availability. See :ref:`upgrade_notes` for details.

Updates of upstream application versions

- The RoundCube version installed by the :ref:`debops.roundcube` role has been
updated to the `1.4.1 release`__, which includes a new "Elastic" theme
compatible with mobile devices, and other improvements.



- The ``authorizedService`` and ``host`` LDAP attribute values used for access
control in various DebOps roles and the :file:`ldap/init-directory.yml`
playbook have been updated and made consistent with the
:ref:`ldap__ref_ldap_access` documentation. You need to update the LDAP
entries that use them before applying these changes on the hosts managed by
DebOps. See :ref:`upgrade_notes` for detailed list of changed values.

Mail Transport Agents

- The :envvar:`nullmailer__mailname` and the :envvar:`postfix__mailname`
variables will use the host's FQDN address instead of the DNS domain as the
mailname. This was done to not include the hostnames in the e-mail addresses,
however this is better handled by Postfix domain masquerading done on the
mail relay host, which allows for exceptions, supports multiple DNS domains
and does not break mail delivery in subtle ways. See the
:ref:`debops.nullmailer` role documentation for an example configuration.

:ref:`debops.docker_server` role

- Replace the deprecated `docker_server__graph` variable with the
``docker_server__data_root`` variable.

:ref:`debops.dovecot` role

- The role gained support for mail accounts stored in the LDAP directory, based
on the :ref:`DebOps LDAP infrastructure <debops.ldap>`. When the LDAP
environment is detected on the host, the LDAP support will be enabled
automatically, and mail accounts based on POSIX accounts will be disabled.

- The default mailbox format used by Dovecot has been changed from ``mbox`` to
Maildir; the user mailboxes will be stored by default in the
:file:`~/Maildir/` subdirectory of a given user account. On existing
installations, the mailboxes might need to be converted and moved manually.

- Dovecot will use the host DNS domain as the default SASL realm when users
will not specify their domain in their login username.

- The role should better integrate with the :ref:`DebOps PKI environment
<debops.pki>` and gracefully disable TLS support when it has not been

- The firewall configuration has been redesigned and the :ref:`debops.dovecot`
role no longer generates the :command:`ferm` configuration files directly,
instead using the :ref:`debops.ferm` role as a dependency.

- Add option to enable ManageSieve by default without the need to update the config_maps,
to allow configuration of Sieve filter scripts.

- Restored :envvar:`dovecot__mail_location` to original value of `maildir:~/Maildir`. It was
wrongfully changed to `/var/vmail/%d/%n/mailbox` if LDAP was enabled. See also

- If the LDAP support is enabled, the role will no longer configure Postfix via
the :ref:`debops.postfix` role to deliver local mail via Dovecot LMTP
service; this breaks mail delivery to local UNIX accounts (for example
``root``) which might not have corresponding aliases in the virtual mail
database. Instead, ``virtual_transport`` option will be configured to pass
mail via LMTP to Dovecot, which then will deliver it to the virtual mailboxes
in :file:`/var/vmail/` subdirectories.

:ref:`debops.icinga_web` role

- The ``icinga2-director-jobs.service`` systemd service has been replaced with
``icinga-director.service``. This service manages a new daemon that is
required for Icinga Director v1.7.0+.

:ref:`debops.memcached` role

- All variables in the role have been renamed from ``memcached_*`` to
``memcached__*`` to create the role namespace. You need to update the
inventory accordingly.

:ref:`debops.nullmailer` role

- The upstream SMTP relay will be detected automatically using DNS SRV resource
records, if they are defined.

:ref:`debops.owncloud` role

- Drop Nextcloud 15 support because it is EOL. You need to upgrade Nextcloud
manually if you are running version 15 or below. The role now defaults to
Nextcloud 16 for new installations.

:ref:`debops.postconf` role

- If both :ref:`Dovecot <debops.dovecot>` and :ref:`Cyrus <debops.saslauthd>`
services are installed on a host, Postfix will be configured to prefer Cyrus
for SASL authentication. This permits mail relay via the authenticated
:ref:`nullmailer <debops.nullmailer>` Mail Transfer Agents with accounts in
the LDAP directory. The preference can be changed using the
:envvar:`postconf__sasl_auth_method` variable.

:ref:`debops.roundcube` role

- The variable that defines the FQDN address of the RoundCube installation has
been changed from :envvar:`roundcube__domain` to :envvar:`roundcube__fqdn`.
The default subdomain has also been changed from ``roundcube`` to ``webmail``
to offer a more widely used name for the application.

- The default RoundCube installation path defined in the
:envvar:`roundcube__git_dest` variable has been changed and no longer
uses the web application FQDN. This should make changing the web application
address independent from the installation directory.

Due to this change, existing installations will be re-installed in the new
deployment path. Checking the changes in a development environment is
recommended before deploying them in production environment.

- The role will use DNS SRV resource records to find the IMAP and/or SMTP
(submission) services to use in the RoundCube Webmail configuration, with
a fallback to static subdomains. See :ref:`roundcube__ref_srv_records` for
more details.

- RoundCube will use the user login and password credentials to authenticate to
the SMTP (submission) service before sending e-mail messages. This allows the
SMTP server to check the message details, block mail with forged sender
address, etc. The default configuration uses encrypted connections to the
IMAP and SMTP services to ensure confidentiality and security.

- User logins that don't specify a domain will have the host domain
automatically appended to them during authentication. This solves an issue
where use of logins with or without domain for authentication would result in
separate RoundCube profiles created in the database.

- The Roundcube configuration has been redesigned and now uses the custom
Ansible filter plugins to generate the :file:`config/`
configuration file. The format of the configuration variables has been
changed, you will need to update the Ansible inventory.
See :ref:`roundcube__ref_configuration` for more details.

- Roundcube installation tasks have been cleaned up and the old method of
keeping track of the :command:`git` checkout is replaced by new functionality
of the ``git`` Ansible module. This requires full reinstallation of Roundcube
application; see :ref:`upgrade_notes` for more details.

- Support for Roundcube plugins has been redesigned and now uses custom Ansible
filters included in DebOps to manage plugins. The role can install plugins
from the Roundcube plugin repository and manage their configuration files.
A :envvar:`set of default plugins <roundcube__default_plugins>` has been
defined to make the default Roundcube installation a bit more user-friendly.

:ref:`debops.ntp` role

- Chrony will not listen on udp control port on loopback anymore. Unix sockets
are a better way for chronyc to talk to chronyd where local access is
controlled by file permissions. This is suggested in the Chrony FAQ "How can
I make chronyd more secure?".

- Chrony: Support :envvar:`ntp__listen` value ``*`` to make transitioning away
from ``ntpd`` easier.

- Chrony: Reduce default NTP servers considered as time source from 4 pool addresses
(from which Chrony used 4 NTP servers each – 16 in total) to just 1 pool
address – 4 NTP time sources in total.



- Old ``[debops_<role_name>]`` Ansible inventory groups have been removed from
DebOps playbooks. Users should use the ``[debops_service_<role_name>]``
group names instead.


:ref:`debops.docker_server` role

- Do not add empty entries from `docker_server__listen` to daemon.json.
This causes the docker daemon to not parse the config and crash.

:ref:`debops.ferm` role

- The ``dmz`` firewall configuration will now not interpret the port as part of
a IPv6 address anymore. We now protect the IPv6 address by surrounding it by

:ref:`debops.gitlab_runner` role

- Fix issue with GitLab Runner failing test jobs due to the default
:file:`~/.bash_logout` script wiping the terminal on logout. The role will
skip copying the :file:`/etc/skel/` contents on the new installations;
existing script will be removed.

:ref:`debops.nullmailer` role

- Again, redirect the e-mail messages for local recipients to the central
``root`` e-mail account (but local to the SMTP relay). This fixes an issue
where e-mail messages were left in the mail queue and filled the disk space.

:ref:`debops.php` role

- Change the default list of preferred PHP versions to include PHP 7.3 as the
preferred version. This should ensure that on hosts with the Ondřej Surý PHP
repositories enabled, PHP 7.3 will be installed by default even though newer
versions are available. This should solve installation issues with many PHP
applications that don't have full support for PHP 7.4+ release yet.


- The Nextcloud version installed by the :ref:`debops.owncloud` role is updated
to Nextcloud 16.0 release. The ownCloud version has been updated to 10.3.

- The Icinga Director version installed by the :ref:`debops.icinga_web` role
has been updated to the v1.7.2 release. Notable changes in `v1.7.x`__ are new
German and Japanese translations, side-by-side sync previews, a new
background daemon to replace the job runner and new module dependencies.
Other Icinga Web modules have also been updated to their latest versions.


Not secure

.. _debops v1.2.0:


New DebOps roles

- Add :ref:`debops.postldap` Ansible role to configure and enable
:ref:`debops.postfix` to host multiple (virtual) domains,and thus provide
email service to several domains with just one `mail server`.
Currently the Virtual Mail support works only with **LDAP enabled**,
in the future `mariaDB` could be enabled.

- The :ref:`debops.minio` and :ref:`debops.mcli` Ansible roles can be used to
install and configure `MinIO`__ object storage service and its corresponding
client binary.

.. __:

- The :ref:`debops.tinyproxy` role can be used to set up a lightweight
HTTP/HTTPS proxy for an upstream server.

- The :ref:`debops.libuser` Ansible role configures the `libuser`__ library and
related commands. This library is used by some of the other DebOps roles to
manage local UNIX accounts and groups on LDAP-enabled hosts.

.. __:


- Add more entries to be ignored by default by the :command:`git` command in
the DebOps project directories:

- :file:`debops`: ignore DebOps monorepo cloned or symlinked into the project

- :file:`roles` and :file:`playbooks`: ignore roles and playbooks in
development; production code should be put in the :file:`ansible/roles/`
and the :file:`ansible/playbooks/` directories respectively.

- The :command:`debops-init` script now also creates the .gitattributes file
for use with :command:`git-crypt`. It is commented out by default.

- The :command:`debops-defaults` command will check what pagers
(:command:`view`, :command:`less`, :command:`more`) are available and use the
best one automatically.

- A new Ansible module, ``dpkg_divert``, can be used to divert the
configuration files out of the way to preserve them and avoid issues with
package upgrades. The module is available in the
:ref:`debops.ansible_plugins` role.


- The :file:`ldap/init-directory.yml` Ansible playbook will create the LDAP
objects ``cn=LDAP Replicators`` and ``cn=Password Reset Agents`` to allow
other Ansible roles to utilize them without the need for the system
administrator to define them by hand.

- The :file:`ldap/get-uuid.yml` Ansible playbook can be used to convert LDAP
Distinguished Names to UUIDs to look up the password files if needed.

:ref:`debops.apt_install` role

- The `open-vm-tools`__ APT package will be installed by default in VMware
virtual machines.

.. __:

:ref:`debops.dnsmasq` role

- The role will tell the client applications to `disable DNS-over-HTTPS
support`__ using the ```` DNS record. This should
allow connections to internal sites and preserve the split-DNS functionality.

.. __:

:ref:`debops.dokuwiki` role

- The role will configure LDAP support in DokuWiki when LDAP environment
managed by the :ref:`debops.ldap` Ansible role is detected. Read the
:ref:`dokuwiki__ref_ldap_support` chapter in the documentation for more

:ref:`debops.cron` role

- The execution time of the ``hourly``, ``daily``, ``weekly`` and ``monthly``
:command:`cron` jobs will be randomized on a per-host basis to avoid large
job execution spikes every morning. See the role documentation for more

:ref:`debops.nullmailer` role

- When the :ref:`LDAP environment <debops.ldap>` is configured on a host, the
:ref:`debops.nullmailer` role will create the service account in the LDAP
directory and configure the :command:`nullmailer` service to use SASL
authentication with its LDAP credentials to send e-mails to the relayhost.

:ref:`debops.pki` role

- Newly created PKI realms will have a new :file:`public/full.pem` file which
contains the full X.509 certificate chain, including the Root CA certificate,
which might be required by some applications that rely on TLS.

Existing PKI realms will not be modified, but Ansible roles that use the PKI
infrastructure might expect the new files to be present. It is advisable to
:ref:`recreate the PKI realms <pki__ref_realm_renewal>` when possible, or
create the missing files manually.

:ref:`debops.saslauthd` role

- The role can now be used to authenticate users of different services against
the LDAP directory via integration with the :ref:`debops.ldap` role and its
framework. Multiple LDAP profiles can be used to provide different access
control for different services.

:ref:`debops.slapd` role

- Add support for :ref:`eduPerson LDAP schema <slapd__ref_eduperson>` with
updated schema file included in the role.

- The role will configure SASL authentication in the OpenLDAP service using the
:ref:`debops.saslauthd` Ansible role. Both humans and machines can
authenticate to the OpenLDAP directory using their respective LDAP objects.

- The :ref:`lastbind overlay <slapd__ref_lastbind_overlay>` will be enabled by
default. This overlay records the timestamp of the last successful bind
operation of a given LDAP object, which can be used to, for example, check
the date of the last successful login of a given user account.

- Add support for :ref:`nextcloud LDAP schema <slapd__ref_nextcloud>` which
provides attributes needed to define disk quotas for Nextcloud user accounts.

- The Access Control List rules can now be tested using the :man:`slapacl(8)`
command via a generated :ref:`test suite script <slapd__ref_acl_tests>`.

- The default ACL rules have been overhauled to add support for the
``ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=org`` subtree and use of the ``organizationalRole``
LDAP objects for authorization. The old set of rules is still active to
ensure that the existing environments work as expected.

If you use a modified ACL configuration, you should include the new rules as
well to ensure that changes in the :ref:`debops.ldap` support are working

- You can now hide specific LDAP objects from unprivileged users by adding them
to a special ``cn=Hidden Objects,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org`` LDAP group.
The required ACL rule will be enabled by default; the objects used to control
visibility will be created by the :file:`ldap/init-directory.yml` playbook.

- New "SMS Gateway" LDAP role grants read-only access to the ``mobile``
attribute by SMS gateways. This is needed for implementing 2-factor
authentication via SMS messages.

:ref:`debops.unbound` role

- The role will tell the client applications to `disable DNS-over-HTTPS
support`__ using the ```` DNS record. This should
allow connections to internal sites and preserve the split-DNS functionality.

.. __:

- The role will configure the :command:`unbound` daemon to allow non-recursive
access to DNS queries when a host is managed by Ansible locally, with
assumption that it's an Ansible Controller host. This change unblocks use of
the :command:`dig +trace` and similar commands.


Updates of upstream application versions

- In the :ref:`debops.gitlab` role, GitLab version has been updated to
``12.2``. This is the last release that supports Ruby 2.5 which is included
in Debian Buster.

- In the :ref:`debops.ipxe` role, the Debian Stretch and Debian Buster netboot
installer versions have been updated to their next point releases, 9.10 and
10.2 respectively.

- In the :ref:`debops.netbox` role, the NetBox version has been updated to

Continuous Integration

- The ``$DEBOPS_FROM`` environment variable can be used to select how DebOps
scripts should be installed in the Vagrant environment: either ``devel``
(local build) or ``pypi`` (installation from PyPI repository). This makes
Vagrant environment more useful on Windows hosts, where :file:`/vagrant`
directory is not mounted due to issues with symlinks.

- The :command:`make test` command will not run the Docker tests anymore, to
make the default tests faster. To run the Docker tests with all other tests,
you can use the :command:`make test docker` command.


- External commands used in the DebOps scripts have been defined as constants
to allow easier changes of the command location in various operating systems,
for example Guix.

- The default Ansible callback plugin used by DebOps is changed to ``yaml``,
which gives a cleaner look for various outputs and error messages. The
callback plugin will be active by default in new DebOps project directories;
in existing directories users can add:

.. code-block:: ini

[ansible defaults]
stdout_callback = yaml

in the :file:`.debops.cfg` configuration file.


- The :file:`ldap/init-directory.yml` playbook has been updated to use the new
``ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=org`` LDAP subtree, which will contain various
``organizationalRole`` objects. After updating the OpenLDAP Access Control
List using the :ref:`debops.slapd` role, you can use the playbook on an
existing installation to create the missing objects.

The ``cn=UNIX Administrators`` and ``cn=UNIX SSH users`` LDAP objects will be
created in the ``ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org`` LDAP subtree. On existing
installations, these objects need to be moved manually to the new subtree,
otherwise the playbook will try to create them and fail due to duplicate
UID/GID numbers which are enforced to be unique. You can move the objects
using an LDAP client, for example Apache Directory Studio.

The ``ou=System Groups,dc=example=dc,org`` subtree will not be created
anymore. On existing installations this subtree will be left intact and can
be safely removed after migration.

- The access to the OpenLDAP service configured using the :ref:`debops.slapd`
role now requires explicit firewall and TCP Wrappers configuration to allow
access from trusted IP addresses and subnets. You can use the
``slapd__*_allow`` variables in the Ansible inventory to specify the IP
addresses and subnets that can access the service.

To preserve the old behaviour of granting access by default from anywhere,
you can set the :envvar:`slapd__accept_any` variable to ``True``.

:ref:`debops.apt_preferences` role

- Support Debian Buster in :ref:`apt_preferences__list`.

:ref:`debops.gitlab` role

- The LDAP support in GitLab has been converted to use the
:ref:`debops.ldap` infrastructure and not configure LDAP objects directly.
LDAP support in GitLab will be enabled automatically if it's enabled on
the host. Some of the configuration variables have been changed; see the
:ref:`upgrade_notes` for more details.

- The default LDAP filter configured in the
:envvar:`gitlab__ldap_user_filter` variable has been modified to limit
access to the service to objects with specific attributes. See the
:ref:`GitLab LDAP access control <gitlab__ref_ldap_dit_access>`
documentation page for details about the required attributes and their

- The GitLab project has changed its codebase structure, because of that the
Gitlab CE :command:`git` repository has been moved to a new location, The role has been updated
accordingly. Existing installations should work fine after the new codebase
is cloned, but if unsure, users should check the change first in
a development environment.

More details can be found in GitLab blog posts `here`__ and `here`__, as well
as the `Frequently Asked Questions`__ page.

.. __:
.. __:
.. __:

:ref:`debops.golang` role

- The role has been redesigned from the ground up, and can be used to install
Go applications either from APT packages, build them from source, or download
precompiled binaries from remote resources. See the role documentation for
more details.

:ref:`debops.ldap` role

- The role will reset the LDAP host attributes defined in the
:envvar:`ldap__device_attributes` variable on first configuration in case
that the host has been reinstalled and some of their values changed (for
example different IP addresses). This should avoid leaving the outdated
attributes in the host LDAP object.

:ref:`debops.nginx` role

- The role will create the webroot directory specified in the ``item.root``
parameter even if the ``item.owner`` and ```` parameters are not
defined. This might have idempotency issues if the :ref:`debops.nginx` role
configuration and the application role configuration try to modify the same
directory attributes. To disable the webroot creation, you can set the
``item.webroot_create`` parameter to ``False``. Alternatively, you should
specify the intended owner, group and directory mode in the :command:`nginx`
server configuration.

:ref:`debops.nullmailer` role

- The :envvar:`nullmailer__adminaddr` list is set to empty by default to not
redirect all e-mail messages sent through the :command:`nullmailer` service
to the ``root`` account. This should be done on the relayhost instead.

:ref:`debops.owncloud` role

- Drop Nextcloud 14 support because it is EOL. You need to upgrade Nextcloud
manually if you are running 14 or below. Add Nextcloud 16 support. Now
default to Nextcloud 15 for new installations.

- The LDAP support in Nextcloud has been converted to use the
:ref:`debops.ldap` infrastructure and not configure LDAP objects directly.
LDAP support in Nextcloud will be enabled automatically if it's enabled on
the host. Some of the configuration variables have been changed; see the
:ref:`upgrade_notes` for more details.

- The default LDAP filter configured in the
:envvar:`owncloud__ldap_login_filter` variable has been modified to limit
access to the service to objects with specific attributes. See the
:ref:`Nextcloud LDAP access control <owncloud__ref_ldap_dit_access>`
documentation page for details about the required attributes and their

- The default LDAP group filter configured in the
:envvar:`owncloud__ldap_group_filter` variable has been modified to limit the
available set of ``groupOfNames`` LDAP objects to only those that have the
``nextcloudEnabled`` attribute set to ``true``.

- Support for disk quotas for LDAP users has been added in the default
configuration, based on the :ref:`nextcloud LDAP schema
<slapd__ref_nextcloud>`. The default disk quota is set to 10 GB and can be
changed using the ``nextcloudQuota`` LDAP attribute.

:ref:`debops.postconf` role

- Support for the ``465`` TCP port for message submission over Implicit TLS is
no longer deprecated (status changed by the :rfc:`8314` document) and will be
enabled by default with the ``auth`` capability.

- The role will configure Postfix to check the sender address of authenticated
mail messages and block those that don't belong to the authenticated user.
This will be enabled with the ``auth`` and the ``unauth-sender``
capabilities, and requires an user database to work correctly.

:ref:`debops.postfix` role

- The default primary group of the lookup tables has been changed to
``postfix``, default mode for new lookup tables will be set to ``0640``.
This change helps secure lookup tables that utilize remote databases with

- Postfix lookup tables can now use shared connection configuration defined in
a YAML dictionary to minimize data duplication.
See the :ref:`postfix__ref_lookup_tables` documentation for more details.

:ref:`debops.resolvconf` role

- The role will install and configure :command:`resolvconf` APT package only on
hosts with more than one network interface (not counting ``lo``), or if local
DNS services are also present on the host.

:ref:`debops.slapd` role

- Enable substring index for the ``sudoUser`` attribute from the :ref:`sudo
LDAP schema <slapd__ref_sudo>`. Existing installations should be updated
manually via the LDAP client, by setting the value of the ``sudoUser`` index
to ``eq,sub``.

- Add indexes for the ``authorizedService`` and ``host`` attributes from the
:ref:`ldapns LDAP schema <slapd__ref_ldapns>` and the ``gid`` attribute from
the :ref:`posixGroupId LDAP schema <slapd__ref_posixgroupid>`. This should
improve performance in UNIX environments connected to the LDAP directory.

- The number of rounds in SHA-512 password hashes has been increased from 5000
(default) to 100001. Existing password hashes will be unaffected.

- The ``employeeNumber`` attribute in the ``ou=People,dc=example,dc=org`` LDAP
subtree will be constrained to digits only, and the LDAP directory will
enforce its uniqueness in the subtree. This allows the attribute to be used
for correlation of personal LDAP objects to RDBMS-based databases.

- The ``mail`` attribute is changed from unique for objects in the
``ou=People,dc=example,dc=org`` LDAP subtree to globally unique, due to its
use for authentication purposes. The attribute will be indexed by default.

- Access to the ``carLicense``, ``homePhone`` and ``homePostalAddress``
attributes has been restricted to privileged accounts only (administrators,
entry owner). The values cannot be seen by unprivileged and anonymous users.

- Write access to the ``ou=SUDOers,dc=example,dc=org`` LDAP subtree has been
restricted to the members of the "UNIX Administrators" LDAP group.

:ref:`debops.sshd` role

- The role will allow or deny access to the ``root`` account via password
depending on the presence of the :file:`/root/.ssh/authorized_keys` file. See
:ref:`sshd__ref_root_password` for more details. This requires updated
:file:`root_account.fact` script from the :ref:`debops.root_account` role.

- The role will use Ansible local facts to check if OpenSSH server package is
installed to conditionally enable/disable its start on first install.

debops-contrib.dropbear_initramfs role

- Better default value for `dropbear_initramfs__network_device` by
detecting the default network interface using Ansible facts instead of the
previously hard-coded ``eth0``.


:ref:`debops.ansible_plugins` role

- The ``ldappassword`` Ansible filter plugin has been removed as it is no
longer used in DebOps roles. The preferred method for storing passwords in
LDAP is to pass them in plaintext (over TLS) and let the directory server
store them in a hashed form. See also: :rfc:`3062`.

:ref:`debops.ldap` role

- The use of the ``params`` option in the ``ldap_attrs`` and ``ldap_entry``
Ansible modules is deprecated due to their insecure nature. As a consequence,
the :ref:`debops.ldap` role has been updated to not use this option and the
``ldap__admin_auth_params`` variable has been removed.

:ref:`debops.nginx` role

- Set `nginx_upstream_php5_www_data` to absent. If you are still using
that Nginx upstream which was enabled by default then update your Ansible
role and switch to a supported PHP release.



- The "Edit on GitHub" links on the role default variable pages in the
documentation have been fixed and now point to the correct source files on

:ref:`debops.dnsmasq` role

- On Ubuntu hosts, the role will fix the configuration installed by the
:command:`lxd` package to use ``bind-dynamic`` option instead of
``bind-interfaces``. This allows the :command:`dnsmasq` service to start

:ref:`debops.ferm` role

- The ``dmz`` firewall configuration will use the ``dport`` parameter instead
of ``port``, otherwise filtering rules will not work as expected.

:ref:`debops.nfs_server` role

- In the :envvar:`nfs_server__firewall_ports` variable, convert the
``dict_keys`` view into a list due to `change in Python 3 implementation`__
of dictionaries.

.. __:

:ref:`debops.nginx` role

- Fix an issue in the :file:`php.conf.j2` server template when an
``item.location`` parameter is specified, overriding the default set of
``location`` blocks defined in the :file:`default.conf.j` template. If the
``/`` location is not specified in the ``item.location`` dictionary,
a default one will be included by the role.

:ref:`debops.postconf` role

- Disable the ``smtpd_helo_restrictions`` option on the ``submission`` and
``smtps`` TCP ports when the authentication and MX lookups are enabled. This
should fix an issue where SMTP client sends the host's IP address as its
HELO/EHLO response, which might not be configurable by the user.


:ref:`debops.nginx` role

- Mitigation for the `CVE-2019-11043`__ vulnerability has been applied in the
:command:`nginx` ``php`` and ``php5`` configuration templates. The mitigation
is based on the `suggested workaround`__ from the PHP Bug Tracker.

.. __:
.. __:

:ref:`debops.owncloud` role

- Security patch for the `CVE-2019-11043`__ vulnerability has been applied in
the Nextcloud configuration for the :ref:`debops.nginx` role. The patch is
based on the `fix suggested by upstream`__.

.. __:
.. __:


Not secure

.. _debops v1.1.0:


New DebOps roles

- The :ref:`debops.keyring` role is designed to be used by other Ansible roles to
manage the GPG keys, either in the APT keyring or the GPG keyrings of
specific UNIX accounts. It replaces and centralizes the use of the
``apt_key`` and the ``apt_repository`` Ansible modules in separate roles
and provides additional functionality, like GPG key lookup in a local key
store on the Ansible Controller, or the `Keybase`__ service.

.. __:

- The ``debops-contrib.neurodebian`` Ansible role has been migrated to the
main DebOps role namespace as the :ref:`debops.neurodebian` role. This role
can be used to configure the `NeuroDebian`__ APT repository on
Debian/Ubuntu hosts.

.. __:

- The :ref:`debops.wpcli` role can be used to install the WP-CLI framework to
allow management of WordPress websites in a shared hosting environment.

- The :ref:`debops.nscd` role configures the Name Service Cache Daemon, used to
cache NSS entries from remote databases, for example LDAP, Active Directory
or NIS. The role is included in the :file:`bootstrap-ldap.yml` playbook.

- The :ref:`debops.backup2l` role configures the `backup2l`__ script which can
create differential backups of a given host and store them on an external
hard drive connected to that host.

.. __:

- The :ref:`debops.resolvconf` role fixes a few issues in the ``resolvconf``
Debian package and modifies the interface order in the generated
:file:`/etc/resolv.conf` configuration file depending on presence of a local
DNS resolver like ``dnsmasq`` or ``unbound``. The role is included in the
bootstrap and common playbooks.

Continuous Integration

- The Vagrant test environment will use the `libeatmydata`__ library to make
specific commands like :command:`apt-get`, :command:`rsync`, :command:`pip`,
etc. faster by avoiding excessive :man:`fsync(2)` operations.

.. __:


- The ``pyopenssl`` Python package has been added as a dependency of DebOps
when the project is installed with Ansible included. This package is required
by the ``openssl_*`` modules in Ansible 2.7; some of the DebOps roles like
:ref:`debops.opendkim` use these modules on the Ansible Controller.

- The ``distro`` Python package has been added as the DebOps dependency. The
package is used by the :command:`debops-init` script to detect the operating
system used on the Ansible Controller, and is a replacement for the
deprecated ``platform.linux_distribution()`` function.


- The :file:`ldap/init-directory.yml` Ansible playbook will create an LDAP
group object for SSH users, equivalent to the ``sshusers`` group created by
the :ref:`debops.system_groups` role. LDAP accounts in this group will be
able to access SSH service from any host. Existing installations might need
to be updated manually to fix UID/GID or LDAP DN conflicts.

:ref:`debops.ferm` role

- If Avahi/mDNS support is present on a host, the :ref:`debops.ferm` role will
allow access through the ``mdns`` UDP port by default. This will most likely
happen on workstations and laptops with full desktop environments installed,
but not on servers with minimal install. To configure Avahi service or enable
it on servers, you can use the :ref:`debops.avahi` Ansible role.

:ref:`debops.libvirtd` role

- The role will configure the ``libvirt`` and ``libvirt_guest`` NSS modules in
:file:`/etc/nsswitch.conf` database using the :ref:`debops.nsswitch` role to
allow accessing the virtual machines or containers via their hostnames on the
virtual machine host.

:ref:`debops.lxc` role

- The :command:`lxc-prepare-ssh` script can now look up the SSH keys of the
current user in LDAP if support for it is enabled on the LXC host.

:ref:`debops.nginx` role

- Add support to disable logging per Nginx server.

- If a :command:`nginx` server configuration uses a domain with ``lxc.``
prefix, for example inside of an internal LXC container, the role will
include a redirect from ``host.lxc`` "virtual" domain to the real
```` domain. This ensures that HTTP requests to the
``http://host.lxc/`` URLs are redirected to the real LXC container hosts,
depending on the DNS records and the HTTP client's resolver configuration.

:ref:`debops.slapd` role

- The role can now control on which ports and services OpenLDAP listens for
connections. The ``ldaps:///`` service is enabled by default when support for
the :ref:`debops.pki` role is enabled on the OpenLDAP host.

:ref:`debops.sysctl` role

- The kernel protection for symlinks and hardlinks will be enabled by default
on Debian/Ubuntu hosts.

- Don't use special configuration for containers to determine what kernel
parameters can be modified. The role will rely on its own Ansible local facts
for that.

:ref:`debops.unbound` role

- The :command:`unbound` service will be configured to forward ``*.lxc.{{
ansible_domain }}`` DNS queries to the :command:`dnsmasq` service managed by
the :ref:`debops.lxc` role (``lxc-net``), if LXC configuration is detected
via local Ansible facts. The ``*.consul`` DNS queries will be forwarded to
the :command:`consul` service, if its Ansible facts are detected.

:ref:`debops.users` role

- Read :envvar:`users__default_shell` which was removed in `debops v1.0.0`_.


Updates of upstream application versions

- The :ref:`debops.netbox` role has been updated to NetBox version ``v2.6.1``.
Redis service is now required for NetBox; it can be installed separately via
the :ref:`debops.redis_server` Ansible role.

The NetBox version installed by DebOps has been changed from using the
``master`` branch, to specific tags, with the latest release (``v2.6.1``) set
by default. The :command:`git` commit signature in the NetBox repository is
also verified using the GitHub GPG key when the repository is cloned.

- In the :ref:`debops.cran` role, the upstream APT repository suite for CRAN
has been updated to ``<release>-cran35/`` due to changes in APT repository
structure. Existing APT repository URLs might need to be removed manually
from :file:`/etc/apt/sources.lists.d/` directory to make the APT service work
as expected.

- The :ref:`debops.nodejs` role will now install NodeJS, NPM and Yarn packages
from the OS release repository by default. On the Debian Oldstable release,
the packages backported from the Debian Stable release will be used by
default. Installation of upstream NodeJS and NPM can be enabled using the
:envvar:`nodejs__node_upstream` variable. Upstream Yarn can be enabled using
the :envvar:`nodejs__yarn_upstream` variable.

If the NodeJS upstream support is enabled, the NodeJS 8.x version will be
installed on older Debian/Ubuntu releases, for example Debian Stretch and
Ubuntu Bionic. Debian Buster and newer releases will use NodeJS 10.x
version, to keep the Node version from upstream in sync with the one
available in the OS repositories.

- In the :ref:`debops.etherpad` role, the default version installed by the role
is changed from the ``develop`` branch to the ``v1.7.0`` version on older OS
releases, and the ``v1.7.5`` version on Debian Buster and newer, to not force
installation of the upstream NPM package by default.

Continuous Integration

- DebOps now uses ``xenial`` as the default OS release used in Travis-CI tests.
The ``xenial`` images on Travis use the :command:`shellcheck` v0.6.0 to test
shell scripts; if you want to run the :command:`test shell` command locally
to check the script syntax, you will need to update your
:command:`shellcheck` installation to the v0.6.0 version to match the one on
Travis-CI. This version is at present not available in Debian, therefore
a custom install will be needed. See the `ShellCheck install instructions`__
for your preferred method.

.. __:

- The Travis-CI tests will be done using Python 3.7 only. Python 2.7 support
`will be dropped in 2020`__, it's time to prepare.

.. __:

- The GitLab CI tests are done using a ``debian/buster64`` Vagrant Box.


- Switch the base Docker image to `debian:buster-slim`__ and install Python 3.x
environment instead of Python 2.7 in the DebOps Docker image.

.. __:

- The :command:`docker-entrypoint` script has been refreshed to account for the
changes in DebOps roles. The :ref:`debops.sshd` role takes care of the
:file:`/run/sshd/` directory by itself, and running DebOps against the
container requires :command:`sudo` access without password.


- Various DebOps roles have been modified to use the :ref:`debops.keyring`
Ansible role to manage the APT repository keys, or GPG keys on UNIX accounts.
If you are using them in custom playbooks, you might need to update them to
include the new dependency.

- The installation of APT and other packages in DebOps roles has been
refactored to remove the use of the ``with_items``/``with_flattened``
lookups. Support for package installation via task loops will be removed in
Ansible 2.11.

- The DebOps documentation generator now supports Ansible roles with multiple
:file:`defaults/main/*.yml` files. They are also correctly handled by the
:command:`debops-defaults` script.

- Various DebOps roles will no longer use the hostname as a stand-in for an
empty DNS domain when no DNS domain is detected - this resulted in the
"standalone" hosts without a DNS domain to be misconfigured. Existing setups
with a DNS domain shouldn't be affected, but configuration of standalone
hosts that deploy webservices might require modifications.

- The :ref:`debops.resolvconf` role has been added as a dependency in the
Ansible playbooks of the roles that interact with the ``resolvconf`` service
in some way. The modified roles are: :ref:`debops.dnsmasq`,
:ref:`debops.docker_server`, :ref:`debops.ifupdown`, :ref:`debops.lxc`,
:ref:`debops.unbound`. The installation of the ``resolvconf`` APT package has
been removed from the roles that contained it.

- Run :ref:`debops.apt_proxy` from the :file:`bootstrap.yml` Ansible playbook
to ensure that if a proxy is used, it is used all the time without disabling
the proxy for a short while during bootstrapping.
The :file:`bootstrap-ldap.yml` Ansible playbook already included

User management

- The :command:`zsh` shell APT package will be installed only if the :ref:`root
account <debops.root_account>`, :ref:`any system users <debops.system_users>`
or :ref:`regular users <debops.users>` managed by Ansible are using it as
a login shell.

:ref:`debops.avahi` role

- The :command:`avahi-alias` script has been imported into the role itself and
will no longer be installed by cloning the upstream :command:`git`
repository. Consequently, support for mDNS ``*.local`` CNAME resource records
will be enabled by default on hosts with Python 2.7 installed (support for
Python 3.x is currently not available).

:ref:`debops.dokuwiki` role

- The `patchpanel DokuWiki plugin`__ has been deprecated in favor of the
`switchpanel`__ plugin. The role will remove the ``patchpanel`` plugin
automatically on existing installations. You might need to update the wiki
contents to render the patch panels correctly, see the plugin documentation
for more details.

.. __:
.. __:

:ref:`debops.docker_server` role

- The ``debops.docker`` role has been renamed to :ref:`debops.docker_server` in
preparation of adding a role that will provide client functionality like
network and container management.

- The Docker server no longer listens on a TCP port by default, even if
:ref:`debops.pki` is enabled.

- The default storage driver used by the :ref:`debops.docker_server` has been
changed to ``overlay2`` which is the default in upstream. The role checks the
currently enabled storage driver via Ansible local facts, and should preserve
the current configuration on existing installations.

If needed, the storage driver in use can be overridden via the
``docker_server__storage_driver`` variable.

:ref:`debops.etckeeper` role

- The installation of :command:`etckeeper` will be disabled by default in
Python 3.x-only environments.

:ref:`debops.gitlab` role

- The playbook will no longer force the installation of the upstream Node.js
and Yarn packages via the :ref:`debops.nodejs` role. The upstream versions
are currently not required on Debian Buster.

:ref:`debops.ifupdown` role

- The role will not install the ``rdnssd`` APT package if NetworkManager
service is detected on the host, to avoid removing the NM service due to
`package conflict`__. NetworkManager should gracefully handle adding IPv6
nameservers to :file:`/etc/resolv.conf` file, and on systems without NM
installed the :command:`rdnssd` script will perform this task as before.

.. __:

:ref:`debops.ipxe` role

- The role has been redesigned from scratch, and now supports multiple Debian
Netboot installers; the iPXE scripts are defined in default variables instead
of the file-based templates and can be easily modified via the Ansible

:ref:`debops.kmod` role

- The role will use the :ref:`debops.python` Ansible role to install the
``kmodpy`` Python package in Python 2.7 environments. Because the package is
not available in Debian as Python 3.x module, the ``kmod.fact`` local fact
script will use the :command:`lsmod` command to list the kernel modules in
this case.

- The role gained basic support for defining what kernel modules should be
loaded on non-systemd hosts by adding them in the :file:`/etc/modules`
configuration file.

:ref:`debops.libvirt` role

- The ``virt-goodies`` package will be installed only if the Python 2.7
environment is already present on the host.

:ref:`debops.lxc` role

- The role now checks the version of the installed LXC support and uses the old
or new configuration keys accordingly. You can review the `changed
configuration keys`__ between the old and new LXC version for comparison.

.. __:

- New LXC containers will have the ``CAP_SYS_TIME`` POSIX capability dropped by
default to ensure that time configuration is disabled inside of the
container. This should fix an issue on Debian Buster where unprivileged LXC
containers still have this capability enabled.

On Debian Buster LXC hosts, the ``CAP_SYS_ADMIN`` POSIX capability will be
dropped in new LXC containers by default.

- On Debian Buster (specifically on LXC versions below 3.1.0) the AppArmor
restrictions on unprivileged LXC containers will be relaxed to allow correct
operation of the :command:`systemd` service manager inside of a container.
Check the Debian Bugs `916644`__, `918839`__ and `911806`__ for reasoning
behind this modification.

.. __:
.. __:
.. __:

- Restrict configuration of the :file:`poweroff.conf` :command:`systemd`
override to Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial only. The containers correctly
shut down using ``SIGRTMIN+3`` signal on Debian Buster and beyond.

:ref:`debops.mariadb_server` role

- The role will no longer set a custom MariaDB ``root`` password, because the
``mysql_user`` Ansible 2.8 module breaks access to the MariaDB database via
the UNIX ``root`` account by removing the ``unix_socket`` plugin access and
not setting the ``mysql_native_password`` plugin. A password for the UNIX
``root`` account is not needed in the recent MariaDB releases in Debian,
therefore this shouldn't impact the usage.

The ``mysql_user`` Ansible module `lacks a way to control the authentication
plugin for a given MariaDB account`__, therefore it's not advisable to mess
with the ``root`` access to the database.

.. __:

:ref:`debops.netbase` role

- Do not try to manage the hostname in LXC, Docker or OpenVZ containers by
default. We assume that these containers are unprivileged and their hostname
cannot be changed from the inside of the container.

- If a host does not have a proper domain, either defined locally or set via
the DNS, don't generate a faux "domain" based on its hostname and assume that
this is a standalone host. This might affect availability of some services,
for example X.509 certificates managed by :ref:`debops.pki` or reachability
of websites created on that host. In this case the host cannot have a FQDN
defined in the Ansible inventory as the label or ``ansible_host`` variable,
only a hostname.

- Role will check if the configured FQDN of a host exists in the DNS database.
If it does, the entry in the :file:`/etc/hosts` file will be removed to allow
the DNS to take over. If it doesn't, the configuration will be left intact
with assumption that the domain is configured locally.

:ref:`debops.nginx` role

- The role will no longer default to limiting the allowed HTTP request methods
to ``GET``, ``HEAD`` and ``POST`` on PHP-enabled websites.

:ref:`debops.pki` role

- If there is no domain set on the remote host, don't fallback to the hostname
in the :envvar:`pki_ca_domain` variable because the generated CA certificates
don't make any sense. With this setup the :ref:`debops.pki` role requires to
be run against a host with a valid DNS domain for the internal CA to be

:ref:`debops.rsnapshot` role

- The role has been redesigned from the ground up. Instead of using Ansible
inventory groups to define hosts to back up, role uses a list of YAML
dictionaries with hosts defined explicitly; the old behaviour can be
replicated if needed. The backup host itself can also be snapshotted, with
support for snapshots on removable media.

:ref:`debops.snmpd` role

- The local SNMPv3 username and password will be stored in a separate file and
retrieved via Ansible local facts, to not break Ansible fact gathering on
unprivileged accounts. The password file is protected by strict read
permission and accessible only by the ``root`` UNIX account.

:ref:`debops.system_groups` role

- Don't configure the ``NOPASSWD:`` tag for the ``%admins`` and ``%wheel`` UNIX
groups in :command:`sudo` by default when Ansible manages the local host.
This allows local admin accounts to control ``root`` access using a password.

:ref:`debops.system_users` role

- The role will set a custom shell based on the users' own shell for the
dynamic UNIX account only if the shell is known by the role. This should
avoid issues when Ansible users use non-standard shells on Ansible

:ref:`debops.tftpd` role

- The role has been refreshed in conjunction with the updates to network boot
services in preparation for Debian Buster. All of the role variables have
been renamed to put them in their own ``tftpd__*`` namespace, and the role
dependencies have been moved to the playbook.

:ref:`debops.unbound` role

- The role will enable remote control management of the :command:`unbound`
daemon via the ``loopback`` network interface using the
:command:`unbound-control` command.


Roles removed from DebOps

- The ``debops.openvz`` role has been removed. OpenVZ is not supported in
Debian natively `since Wheezy`__; a good replacement for it is LXC which can
be managed using the :ref:`debops.lxc` role.

.. __:

:ref:`debops.core` role

- The ``core__keyserver`` variable and its local fact have been removed from
the role. They are replaced by the :envvar:`keyring__keyserver` and the
corresponding local fact in the :ref:`debops.keyring` role.

- The :command:`resolver.fact` script has been removed from the role. Its
functionality is provided by the :command:`resolvconf.fact` script included
in the :ref:`debops.resolvconf` role.

:ref:`debops.docker_server` role

- Support for `ferment`__ has been removed from DebOps due to the upstream not
being up to date anymore, both with Docker as well as with Python 3.x
support. The :command:`dockerd` daemon will be restarted on any
:command:`ferm` restarts to update the firewall configuration with Docker

.. __:

:ref:`debops.lxc` role

- The :command:`lxc-prepare-ssh` script will no longer install SSH keys from
the LXC host ``root`` account on the LXC container ``root`` account. This can
cause confusion and unintended security breaches when other services (for
example backup scripts or remote command execution tools) install their own
SSH keys on the LXC host and they are subsequently copied inside of the LXC
containers created on that host.

:ref:`debops.nodejs` role

- [debops.nodejs] Support for installing NPM from its :command:`git` repository
has been removed. NPM is included in the NodeSource upstream ``nodejs``
package, as well as the Debian archive since Debian Buster release in the
``npm`` package.


:ref:`debops.apache` role

- Refactor the role to not use Jinja 'import' statements in looped tasks - this
does not work on newer Jinja versions.

:ref:`debops.lvm` role

- Make sure logical volumes will only be shrunk when volume item defines
``force: yes``.

:ref:`debops.nsswitch` role

- Don't restart the :command:`systemd-logind` service on
:file:`/etc/nsswitch.conf` file changes if DebOps is running against
``localhost``, to avoid breaking the existing user session.

:ref:`debops.python` role

- The role should now correctly detect Python 3.x interpreter on the Ansible
Controller and disable usage of Python 2.7 on the managed hosts.


Not secure

.. _debops v1.0.0:


New DebOps roles

- The :ref:`debops.docker_registry` role provides support for Docker Registry.
The role can be used as standalone or as a backend for the GitLab Container
Registry service, with :ref:`debops.gitlab` role.

- The :ref:`debops.ldap` role sets up the system-wide LDAP configuration on
a host, and is used as the API to the LDAP directory by other Ansible roles,
playbooks, and users via Ansible inventory. The role is included in the
``common.yml`` playbook, but is disabled by default.

- The :ref:`debops.nslcd` role can be used to configure LDAP lookups for NSS
and PAM services on a Linux host.

- The :ref:`debops.pam_access` role manages PAM access control files located in
the :file:`/etc/security/` directory. The role is designed to allow other
Ansible roles to easily manage their own PAM access rules.

- The :ref:`debops.yadm` role installs the `Yet Another Dotfiles Manager`__
script and ensures that additional shells are available. It can also mirror
dotfiles locally. The role is included in the common playbook.

.. __:

- The :ref:`debops.system_users` role replaces the ``debops.bootstrap`` role
and is used to manage the local system administrator accounts. It is included
in the :file:`common.yml` playbook as well as the bootstrap playbooks.


- The DebOps project has been registered `in the IANA Private Enterprise
Numbers`__ registry, with PEN number ``53622``. The project documentation
contains :ref:`an OID registry <debops_oid_registry>` to track custom LDAP
schemas, among other things.

.. __:

- Support for Ansible Collections managed by the `Mazer`__ Content Manager has
been implemented in the repository. Ansible Collections will be usable after
June 2019, when support for them is enabled in the Ansible Galaxy service.

.. __:


- A new :file:`bootstrap-ldap.yml` Ansible playbook can be used to bootstrap
Debian/Ubuntu hosts with LDAP support enabled by default. The playbook will
configure only the services required for secure LDAP access (PKI, SSH,
PAM/NSS), the rest should be configured using the common playbook.

:ref:`debops.ansible_plugins` role

- A new ``ldap_attrs`` Ansible module has been added to the role. It's
a replacement for the ``ldap_attr`` core Ansible module, that's more in line
with the ``ldap_entry`` module. Used by the :ref:`debops.slapd` and
:ref:`debops.ldap` roles to manage the LDAP directory contents.

:ref:`debops.apt` role

- Systems with the End of Life Debian releases (``wheezy``) installed will be
configured to use the Debian Archive repository as the main APT sources
instead of the normal Debian repository mirrors. These releases have been
moved out of the main repositories and are not fully available through normal
means. The periodic updates of the APT archive repositories on these systems
will be disabled via the :ref:`debops.unattended_upgrades` role, since the
EOL releases no longer receive updates.

The Debian LTS release (``jessie``) APT repository sources will use only the
main and security repositories, without updates or backports. See the
`information about the Debian LTS support`__ for more details.

.. __:

:ref:`debops.lxc` role

- Users can now disable default route advertisement in the ``lxc-net`` DHCP
service. This is useful in cases where LXC containers have multiple network
interfaces and the default route should go through a different gateway than
the LXC host.

- The :command:`lxc-new-unprivileged` script will add missing network interface
stanzas in the container's :file:`/etc/network/interfaces` file, by default
with DHCP configuration. This will happen only on the initialization of the
new container, when a given LXC container has multiple network interfaces
defined in its configuration file.

:ref:`debops.nginx` role

- The role will automatically generate configuration which redirects short
hostnames or subdomains to their FQDN equivalents. This allows HTTP clients
to reach websites by specifying their short names via DNS suffixes from
:file:`/etc/resolv.conf` file, or using ``*.local`` domain names managed by
Avahi/mDNS to redirect HTTP clients to the correct FQDNs.

:ref:`debops.resources` role

- Some lists can now configure ACL entries on the destination files or
directories using the ``item.acl`` parameter. Take a look to
:ref:`resources__ref_acl` section to have the list of compatibles variables.

- New :ref:`resources__ref_commands` variables can be used to define simple
shell commands or scripts that will be executed at the end of the
:ref:`debops.resources` role. Useful to start new services, but it shouldn't
be used as a replacement for a fully-fledged Ansible roles.

:ref:`debops.sudo` role

- The role is now integrated with the :ref:`debops.ldap` Ansible role and can
configure the :command:`sudo` service to read ``sudoers`` configuration from
the LDAP directory.

:ref:`debops.users` role

- The role can now configure UNIX accounts with access restricted to SFTP
operations (SFTPonly) with the new ``item.chroot`` parameter. This is
a replacement for the ``debops.sftpusers`` role.


Updates of upstream application versions

- The :ref:`debops.gitlab` role will install GitLab 11.10 on supported
platforms (Debian Buster, Ubuntu Bionic), existing installations will be

- In the :ref:`debops.phpipam` role, the relevant inventory variables have
been renamed, check the :ref:`upgrade_notes` for details. The role now uses
the upstream phpIPAM repository and it installs version 1.3.2.

- In the :ref:`debops.php` role, because of the PHP 7.0 release status
changed to `End of life`__ at the beginning of 2019, Ondřej Surý APT
repository with PHP 7.2 packages will be enabled by default on Debian
Jessie and Stretch as well as Ubuntu Trusty and Xenial. Existing
:ref:`debops.php` installations shouldn't be affected, but the role will
not try to upgrade the PHP version either. Users should consider upgrading
the packages manually or reinstalling services from scratch with the newer
version used by default.

.. __:

- In the :ref:`debops.rstudio_server` role, the supported version has been
updated to v1.2.1335. The role no longer installs ``libssl1.0.0`` from
Debian Jessie on Debian Stretch, since the current version of the RStudio
Server works in the default Stretch environment. The downloaded ``.deb``
package will be verified using the RStudio Inc. GPG signing key before

- In the :ref:`debops.docker_gen` role, the docker-gen version that this role
installs by default has been updated to version 0.7.4. This release notably
adds IPv6 and docker network support.


- The :ref:`debops.cron` role will be applied much earlier in the
``common.yml`` playbook because the :ref:`debops.pki` role depends on
presence of the :command:`cron` daemon on the host.

- Bash scripts and ``shell``/``command`` Ansible modules now use relative
:command:`bash` interpreter instead of an absolute :file:`/bin/bash`. This
should help make the DebOps roles more portable, and prepare the project for
the merged :file:`/bin` and :file:`/usr/bin` directories in a future Debian

Mail Transport Agents

- The :file:`/etc/mailname` configuration file will contain the DNS domain of
a host instead of the FQDN address. This will result in the mail senders that
don't specify the domain part to have the DNS domain, instead of the full
host address, added by the Mail Transport Agent. This configuration should
work better in clustered environments, where there is a central mail hub/MX
that receives the mail and redirects it.

:ref:`debops.gitlab` role

- The GitLab playbook will import the :ref:`debops.docker_registry` playbook to
ensure that configuration related to Docker Registry defined in the GitLab
service is properly applied during installation/management.

:ref:`debops.lxc` role

- The :command:`lxc-prepare-ssh` script will read the public SSH keys from
specific files (``root`` key file, and the ``$SUDO_USER`` key file) and will
not accept any custom files to read from, to avoid possible security issues.
Each public SSH key listed in the key files is validated before being added
to the container's ``root`` account.

The :command:`lxc-new-unprivileged` script will similarly not accept any
custom files as initial LXC container configuration to fix any potential
security holes when used via :command:`sudo`. The default LXC configuration
file used by the script can be configured in :file:`/etc/lxc/lxc.conf`
configuration file.

:ref:`debops.mariadb_server` role

- The MariaDB user ``root`` is no longer dropped. This user is used for
database maintenance and authenticates using the ``unix_auth`` plugin.
However, DebOps still maintains and sets a password for the ``root`` UNIX
account, stored in the :file:`/root/.my.cnf` config file.

:ref:`debops.netbase` role

- The role will be disabled by default in Docker containers. In this
environment, the :file:`/etc/hosts` file is managed by Docker and cannot be
modified from inside of the container.

:ref:`debops.owncloud` role

- The role will not perform any tasks related to :command:`occ` command if the
automatic setup is disabled in the :envvar:`owncloud__autosetup` variable. In
this mode, the :command:`occ` tasks cannot be performed by the role because
the ownCloud/Nextcloud installation is not finished. The users are expected
to perform necessary tasks themselves if they decide to opt-out from the
automatic configuration.

:ref:`debops.php` role

- The PHP version detection has been redesigned to use the :command:`apt-cache
madison` command to find the available versions. The role will now check the
current version of the ``php`` APT package to select the available stable PHP
version. This unfortunately breaks support for the ``php5`` packages, but the
``php5.6`` packages from Ondřej Surý APT repository work fine.

- The role will install the :command:`composer` command from the upstream
GitHub repository on older OS releases, including Debian Stretch (current
Stable release). This is due to incompatibility of the ``composer`` APT
package included in Debian Stretch and PHP 7.3.

The custom ``composer`` command installation tasks have been removed from the
:ref:`debops.roundcube` and :ref:`debops.librenms` roles, since
:ref:`debops.php` will take care of the installation.

:ref:`debops.root_account` role

- If the :ref:`debops.ldap` Ansible role has been applied on a host, the
:ref:`debops.root_account` role will use the UID/GID ranges defined by it,
which include UIDs/GIDs used in the LDAP directory, to define subUID/subGID
range of the ``root`` account. This allows usage of the LDAP directory as
a source of UNIX accounts and groups in unprivileged containers. Existing
systems will not be changed.

- Management of the ``root`` dotfiles has been removed from the
:ref:`debops.users` role and is now done in the :ref:`debops.root_account`
role, using the :command:`yadm` script. Users might need to clean out the
existing dotfiles if they were managed as symlinks, otherwise :command:`yadm`
script will not be able to correctly deploy the new dotfiles.

:ref:`debops.slapd` role

- The role has been redesigned from the ground up, with support for N-Way
Multi-Master replication, custom LDAP schemas, Password Policy and other
functionality. The role uses custom ``ldap_attrs`` Ansible module included in
the :ref:`debops.ansible_plugins` role for OpenLDAP management.

The OpenLDAP configuration will definitely break on existing installations.
It's best to set up a new OpenLDAP server (or replicated cluster) and import
the LDAP directory to it afterwards. See :ref:`role documentation
<debops.slapd>` for more details.

:ref:`debops.sshd` role

- The access control based on UNIX groups defined in the
:file:`/etc/ssh/sshd_config` file has been removed. Instead, the OpenSSH
server uses the PAM access control configuration, managed by the
:ref:`debops.pam_access` Ansible role, to control access by
users/groups/origins. OpenSSH service uses its own access control file,
separate from the global :file:`/etc/security/access.conf` file.

- The role will enable client address resolving using DNS by setting the
``UseDNS yes`` option in OpenSSH server configuration. This parameter is
disabled by default in Debian and upstream, however it is required for the
domain-based access control rules to work as expected.

- When the LDAP support is configured on a host by the :ref:`debops.ldap` role,
the :ref:`debops.sshd` role will use the resulting infrastructure to connect
to the LDAP directory and create the ``sshd`` LDAP account object for each
host, used for lookups of the SSH keys in the directory. The SSH host public
keys will be automatically added or updated in the LDAP device object to
allow for centralized generation of the ``~/.ssh/known_hosts`` files based on
the data stored in LDAP.

The role will no longer create a separate ``sshd-lookup`` UNIX account to
perform LDAP lookups; the existing ``sshd`` UNIX account will be used
instead. The :command:`ldapsearch` command used for lookups will default to
LDAP over TLS connections instead of LDAPS.

:ref:`debops.system_groups` role

- If the LDAP support is enabled on a host via the :ref:`debops.ldap` role, the
UNIX system groups created by the :ref:`debops.system_groups` role by default
will use a ``_`` prefix to make them separate from any LDAP-based groups of
the same name. Existing installations should be unaffected, as long as the
updated :ref:`debops.system_groups` role was applied before the
:ref:`debops.ldap` role.

:ref:`debops.unattended_upgrades` role

- The packages from the ``stable-updates`` APT repository section will be
automatically upgraded by default, the same as the packages from Debian
Security repository. This should cover important non-security related
upgrades, such as timezone changes, antivirus database changes, and similar.

- If automatic reboots are enabled, VMs will not reboot all at the same time to
avoid high load on the hypervisor host. Instead they will reboot at
a particular minute in a 15 minute time window. For each host, a
random-but-idempotent time is chosen. For hypervisor hosts good presets
cannot be picked. You should ensure that hosts don’t reboot at the same time
by defining different reboot times in inventory groups.

:ref:`debops.users` role

- The management of the user dotfiles in the :ref:`debops.users` role has been
redesigned and now uses the :command:`yadm` script to perform the actual
deployment. See :ref:`debops.yadm` for details about installing the script
and creating local dotfile mirrors. The :ref:`users__ref_accounts` variable
documentation contains examples of new dotfile definitions.

- The role now uses the ``libuser`` library via the Ansible ``group`` and
``user`` modules to manage local groups and accounts. This should avoid
issues with groups and accounts created in the LDAP user/group ranges.

The ``libuser`` library by default creates home directories with ``0700``
permissions, which is probably too restrictive. Because of that, the role
will automatically change the home directory permissions to ``0751`` (defined
in the :envvar:`users__default_home_mode` variable). This also affects
existing UNIX accounts managed by the role; the mode can be overridden using
the ``item.home_mode`` parameter.

- The ``users__*_resources`` variables have been reimplemented as the
``item.resources`` parameter of the ``users__*_accounts`` variables. This
removes the unnecessary split between user account definitions and
definitions of their files/directories.


Roles removed from DebOps

- The ``debops.sftpusers`` Ansible role has been removed. Its functionality is
now implemented by the :ref:`debops.users` role, custom bind mounts can be
defined using the :ref:`debops.mount` role.

- The ``debops.bootstrap`` Ansible role has been removed. Its replacement is
the :ref:`debops.system_users` which is used to manage system administrator
accounts, via the ``common.yml`` playbook and the bootstrap playbooks.

:ref:`debops.auth` role

- The :file:`/etc/ldap/ldap.conf` file configuration, :command:`nslcd` service
configuration and related variables have been removed from the
:ref:`debops.auth` role. This functionality is now available in the
:ref:`debops.ldap` and :ref:`debops.nslcd` roles, which manage the
client-side LDAP support.

:ref:`debops.rstudio_server` role

- The role will no longer install the historical ``libssl1.0.0`` APT package on
Debian Stretch to support older RStudio Server releases. You should remove it
on the existing installations after RStudio Server is upgraded to the newest


:ref:`debops.authorized_keys` role

- Set the group for authorized_keys files to the primary group of the user
instead of the group with the same name as the user. This is important
because otherwise the readonly mode of the role does not work when the
primary group of a user has a different name then the username.

:ref:`debops.lvm` role

- Make sure a file system is created by default when the ``mount`` parameter is
defined in the :envvar:`lvm__logical_volumes`.

- Stop and disable ``lvm2-lvmetad.socket`` systemd unit when disabling
:envvar:`lvm__global_use_lvmetad` to avoid warning message when invoking LVM

:ref:`debops.redis_server` role

- Use the :file:`redis.conf` file to lookup passwords via the
:command:`redis-password` script. This file has the ``redis-auth`` UNIX group
and any accounts in this group should now be able to look up the Redis
passwords correctly.

:ref:`debops.slapd` role

- The role will check if the X.509 certificate and the private key used for TLS
communication were correctly configured in the OpenLDAP server. This fixes an
issue where configuration of the private key and certificate was not
performed at all, without any actual changes in the service, with subsequent
task exiting with an error due to misconfiguration.


:ref:`debops.php` role

- Ondřej Surý `created new APT signing keys`__ for his Debian APT repository
with PHP packages, due to security concerns. The :ref:`debops.php` role will
remove the old APT GPG key and add the new one automatically.

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