- Make it possible to interactively enter the root disk encryption password
into an interactive prompt on the remote system, while connected over SSH.
- Added `documentation about remote root disk encryption
- Fixed a confusing typo in logging output of ``reboot-remote-system``.
- Improved :func:`.reboot_remote_system()` API documentation.
- Added this changelog, restructured the online documentation.
- Integrated :mod:`property_manager.sphinx` in online documentation.
- Added ``license='MIT'`` key to ``setup.py`` script.
- Include documentation in source distributions.
- Fixed broken reStructuredText reference in ``nodejs_installer.py``.
- Fixed unaligned reStructuredText headings.
.. _Release 0.5: https://github.com/xolox/python-debuntu-tools/compare/0.4.1...0.5