We are excited to announce the release of DebyeCalculator v1.0.7!
This is the first stable release of DebyeCalculator, a powerful tool for calculating the scattering intensity $I(Q)$ through the Debye scattering equation, the Total Scattering Structure Function $S(Q)$, the Reduced Total Scattering Function $F(Q)$, and the Reduced Atomic Pair Distribution Function $G(r)$ from atomic structures.
This release includes:
- **GPU Acceleration**: Optimized code for the calculation of the Debye scattering equation on Graphics processing units (GPUs) which accelerate the calculations with orders of magnitudes.
- **Support for Multiple Input Formats**: Ability to calculate scattering patterns from atomic structures defined in XYZ files, CIF files, or directly as tuples in Python.
- **Flexible Parameter Configuration**: Easy-to-use interface for updating calculation parameters, including the range and step size for Q values, and the type of radiation used for scattering.
- **Documentation**: Detailed instructions for installation, usage, and troubleshooting, as well as additional implementation details. Documentations of the latest release can be found [here](https://debyecalculator.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html).
- **Installation via Pip**: DebyeCalculator can be conveniently installed using [pip](https://pypi.org/project/debyecalculator/).
- **Benchmarking**: Test out the package on your local machine or cluster and see the performance you can gain by using DebyeCalculator.
Please refer to the [README](https://github.com/FrederikLizakJohansen/DebyeCalculator) for more detailed information on how to install and use DebyeCalculator.
If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to open an issue on our [GitHub repository](https://github.com/FrederikLizakJohansen/DebyeCalculator/issues).