* Universal representation of decay chains: - Adapt DOT representations to work with graphviz >= 0.19, which broke the API removing `_repr_svg_()`. * Tests: - Various hooks version updates.
* Dependencies: - Dropped Python 2 (2.7) support. - Added support for Python 3.10 and dropped 3.5. - Dependency on `lark-parser` upgraded to recent versions. * Tests: - Dependency on Pytest upgraded. - Added new pre-commit hooks and updated various versions of existing hooks. * Miscellaneous: - Added Nox support.
* Dependencies: - Package dependent on ``Particle`` version 0.16. - Support for Python 3.5 removed. * Universal representation of decay chains: - Documentation updates. * Tests: - CI enhanced adding isort checks to pre-commit hooks. - Various hooks version updates.
* CI and tests: - Run the CI on Linux, MacOS and Windows. - Re-added coverage tests replacing Coveralls with Codecov. - Removed Azure pipelines since superseded by GitHub Actions.
* Parsing of decay files (aka .dec files): - Fix to parsing of a couple of decay models (subtletly of Lark parsing priorities). * Miscellaneous: - CI updates.
* Universal representation of decay chains: - ``DecFileParser.print_decay_modes()`` enhanced. - Fix to visualisation of ``DecayChainViewer`` instances in notebooks. * Miscellaneous: - CI improvements and updates.