
Latest version: v0.12.2

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0.12.1 Fixed defect in (issue 7).

0.12.0 Reworked type handling; added type hints and stub file.

0.11.4 Fixed missing import (for PyPy).

0.11.3 Added Decimal constants ZERO and ONE.

0.11.2 Fixed segfault originating in 'Decimal_quantize'.

0.11.1 Fixed defect in 'Decimal.quantize' (issue 6).

0.11.0 Complete re-implementation in C replaces Cython implementation.
Refactored pickle support.
The representation of the state of the pickled Decimal instance
is now a byte string containing the decimal literal equivalent
to the pickled value.
Because the representation has changed a value pickled by an older
version can not be unpickled by this version, and vice versa.
Added conversion to byte string.
Changed semantic of `Decimal.as_tuple`.
Introduced fixed internal precision limit.

0.10.1 Changed default 'align' for formatting to right-aligned.

0.10.0 Removed compatibility with Python 2.x.
Modified operator '**':
x ** y now
a) raises TypeError, if y is not of type numbers.Real or
b) returns the result as decimalfp.Decimal, if y is an
integral number, and
c) otherwise returns the result as float (after converting
both operands to float).
Floor division now always returns an int.
Added method 'as_fraction'.
Migrated all tests to 'pytest'.

0.9.14 Repository moved to Git (hosted on GitHub).
Moved documentation to
Use generic types from 'numbers' for type checking.
Made comparisions to 'inf', 'nan' and Complex compatible with int and float.

0.9.13 Wrapped rounding modes into the Enum 'ROUNDING'.
Made 'decimalfp' a package.
Changed 'Decimal' to a *virtual* subclass of 'Rational'.
Fixed missing '__trunc__' in Cython implementation.

0.9.12 Use Cython implementation only under CPython.

0.9.11 Fixed bug in Cython implementation of method `quantize`.

0.9.10 Added method `quantize`.


10 ** exp <= self


0.9.7 Restructured Python code, so that it follows the structure of the
Cython code. Results in a small performance gain.
Minimum precision of the quotient of two Decimals is now set to
max(0, numerator.precision - denominator.precision).





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