Important update notes
- **Kubernetes 1.22 is no longer supported.** The upgrade will not start if Kubernetes 1.22 is used in the cluster.
- The [groups]( parameter of the User resource is now obsolete and is read-only. Note that groups will be migrated to the [Group]( resource automatically. However, to continue deploying the [User]( resource without any issues, you have to modify its manifest accordingly.
Major changes
- Support for Kubernetes 1.27 has been added while support for Kubernetes 1.22 has been discontinued.
- The [highAvailability]( parameter has been introduced. It allows you to manually enable the high availability mode for the `ingress-nginx` module.
- The new [SecurityPolicy]( CR (the admission-policy-engine module) allows you to fine-tune security policies.
- The new [sidecar.resourcesManagement]( parameter allows you to manage the resources of the Istio sidecar container.
- A new [Group]( custom resource has been implemented to manage static user groups.
- The new [etcdDiskSizeGb]( parameter allows you to adjust the etcd data disk size for some cloud providers.
The following components will be restarted during the update
- Kubernetes control plane
- Prometheus
- `dashboard`
- `cilium-agent`
- `gatekeeper` (`admission-policy-engine`)
- `kube-proxy`
- `linstor`
Component version updates: