
Latest version: v2022.1

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This release of decode-config is compatible with Tasmota v8.3.1 Fred and all previous versions.

The following binaries can be used from command line without installation:

- **decode-config_linux**
This is the Linux binary
- **decode-config_mac**
This is the mac OS binary
- **decode-config_win32.exe**
This is the Windows (32 bit) binary
- **decode-config_win64.exe**
This is the Windows (64 bit) binary


This release of decode-config is compatible with Tasmota v8.3.0 Fred and all previous versions.

The following binaries can be used from command line without installation:

- **decode-config_linux**
This is the Linux binary
- **decode-config_mac**
This is the mac OS binary
- **decode-config_win32.exe**
This is the Windows (32 bit) binary
- **decode-config_win64.exe**
This is the Windows (64 bit) binary


This release of decode-config is compatible with Tasmota v8.2.0 Elliot and all previous versions.

The following binaries can be used from command line without installation:

- **decode-config_linux**
This is the Linux binary
- **decode-config_mac**
This is the mac OS binary
- **decode-config_win32.exe**
This is the Windows (32 bit) binary
- **decode-config_win64.exe**
This is the Windows (64 bit) binary


This release of decode-config is compatible with Tasmota v8.1.0 Doris and all previous versions.

The following binaries can be used from command line without installation:

- **decode-config_linux**
This is the Linux binary
- **decode-config_mac**
This is the mac OS binary
- **decode-config_win32.exe**
This is the Windows (32 bit) binary
- **decode-config_win64.exe**
This is the Windows (64 bit) binary


This release of decode-config is compatible with release Tasmota v7.2.0 Constance.

The following binaries are usable without any installation from command line:

- **decode-config_linux**
This is the Linux binary
- **decode-config_mac**
This is the mac OS binary
- **decode-config_win32.exe**
This is the Windows (32 bit) binary
- **decode-config_win64.exe**
This is the Windows (64 bit) binary


This release of decode-config is compatible with release Tasmota 7.1.2 Betty.

The following binaries are usable without any installation from command line:

- **decode-config_linux**
This is the Linux binary
- **decode-config_mac**
This is the mac OS binary
- **decode-config_win32.exe**
This is the Windows (32 bit) binary
- **decode-config_win64.exe**
This is the Windows (64 bit) binary

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