:boom: Breaking changes
- 78 Refresh token automatically edenhaus
- 83 rename class Vacuum to DeviceInfo edenhaus
- 90 refactor and rename EventEmitter to EventBus edenhaus
:sparkles: New features
- 80 add total stats edenhaus
- 93 add possibility to handle messages, which are not commands + add reportStats Message edenhaus
:zap: Enhancements
- 82 improve sanitize_data edenhaus
:recycle: Refactor
- 77 Move cli dependencies to extras edenhaus
- 95 use WaterAmount in WaterInfoEventDto edenhaus
:bug: Bug Fixes
- 81 Fix detection of idle state edenhaus
- 86 Minor bug fixes edenhaus
- 87 fix docked state edenhaus
- 88 fix handling of reportMapSubSet edenhaus
- 89 fix handling of reportMapSubSet correctly edenhaus
:arrow_up: Dependency Updates
- 76 Bump flake8 from 3.9.2 to 4.0.0 dependabot
- 79 update dependencies edenhaus
- 84 Bump types-cachetools from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4 dependabot
- 92 Bump gmqtt from 0.6.10 to 0.6.11 dependabot
- 91 Bump pillow from 8.3.2 to 8.4.0 dependabot
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