Version 2.9 introduces support for unofficial releases, compilations and _Featured In_ releases. After nearly six months, the experimental_api is no longer experimental and has been renamed to fast_api and is enabled by default. This release also sees a couple of bug fixes as well as general quality-of-life improvements. Documentation has now been mostly updated for version 2.9 but there is still some things left to update and will follow in the coming weeks.
- Updated documentation for 2.9 release (53)
- Added option to include releases not explicitly marked as "official" (`include_unofficial`)
- Added support for compilations (`include_compilations`)
- Added support for "Featured In" (`include_featured_in`)
- Added alias to backup artist ID's to CSV (`show artists --backup artists.csv`)
- Fixes crash when piping `show` command output (54)
- Fixes KeyError when downloading using `search` command
- Updated requirements to only allow compatible versions of deemix
- Moved `experimental_api` to `fast_api`
- Migrated `download` and `search` commands to use fast_api
- Improved messaging when `check_account_status` is enabled (47)
- Improved messaging when ARL is not present
- Added _release_type_ to queue.csv