- Runs are sorted now and only "visible" directories are shown.
- Mechanics to select runs changed.
- Runs can be selected across different working directories now.
- Another section to display selected runs.
- Press on directory name changes the working directory directly. Makes it easier to navigate.
There's also a button to go to parent directory.
- Internally, a run has two hashes now
- `id`: Based on prefix and path/name. This hash is used to select runs now. No need to
distinguish between run and grouped run anymore.
- `hash`: Changes based on content.
- If DeepCAVE was not started before, the path of execution is used as working directory.
- Shows the errors now if a run could not be converted.
- Increased stability for static plugins.
- Updated CLI immensively. Added --open, --n_workers and improved --config (both relative
and absolute paths are working now). DeepCAVE starts now using only `deepcave`.
- Improved run cache performance. Each input uses a single file for the output.
- Improved performance overall.
- Improved the API mode drastically.
- Improved mapping of original and encoded data.
- Configurations are clickable now.
- API changes in `AbstractRun`.
- Jobs in sidebar are clickable and removeable now.
- Updated texts and images.
- Documentation of plugins are shown in the dashboard now (converted from rst to md).
- Added research questions.
- Overview: Redesigned with barplot and heatmap for statuses. Also includes configspace now.
- Added PDP again.
- Merged LPI and fANOVA.
- Added dynamic texts to overview and budget correlation.
- Added help buttons.
- Added configuration footprint.
- Configurations display code now.
Code related
- Added dash-extensions so that multiple outputs, no outputs and trigger can be used.
- Added global notification.
- Cleaned-up run handler immensely.
- Logs are better readable.
- Improved config loading and add development config.
- Renamed and moved things (Groups, Status, Objectives, ...).
- Objective is a dataclass now.
- Added REFRESH_RATE and SAVE_IMAGES to profile.
- Files are no longer shown in run selection.
- Runs are reloaded from disk in worker now.
- Internal runs are updated now if they changed.
- Results from static plugins are saved under the right path now.