Change Log
Major Features and Improvements
- Add [DCN V2]( Chinese Introducton [DCN V2:Google提出改进版DCN,用于大规模排序系统的特征交叉学习]( zanshuxun
- Add `transform_fn` for `DenseFeat` [doc]( workingloong
API changes
- signature of`DenseFeat` changed
- before `(name, dimension, dtype)`
- now `(name, dimension, dtype, transform_fn)`
- The output shape of `BilinearInteraction` Layer used in `FiBiNET` changed
- before:``(batch_size, 1, filed_size*(filed_size-1)/2*embedding_size)``
- now: ``(batch_size, filed_size*(filed_size-1)/2, embedding_size)``
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
- fix model save issues in tf 2.1.0, h5py 3.0.0.
- simplify methods in ``