- Most importantly model export functionality: https://github.com/AlexEMG/DeepLabCut/pull/649
Export DLC models. Saves the pose configuration, snapshot files, and frozen graph of the model to a directory named exported-models within the project directory.
Example: deeplabcut.export_model('/analysis/project/randomDLC-task/config.yaml')
- ability to label data that are not pngs! https://github.com/AlexEMG/DeepLabCut/commit/2e9003ce1304eccb5776a51b432ac047e012aee8
E.g. Label all jpg and jpeg in a labeled-data folder:
label_frames(config ,imtypes=['*.jpg','*.jpeg'])
- better assesment of frame extraction errors (642)
- Numpy/Moviepy conflict in dependencies (645 )
- GUI shuffle value 647
- update to Demo notebook 657
- note that https://github.com/AlexEMG/DeepLabCut/commit/46ff7f667a6dfecc1b4a300df35a5f32b1dcdd55 allows TF backwards compatibility (earlier than 1.12)
- Fix for bug in repeated refinement 670, 581 ... 671 Thanks https://github.com/hosuk88 for documenting this well!
Thanks to all the contributors!