- Accuracy and AccuracyAtK metrics
- EvaluateJob
- LSTM layer (using FusedOp)
- Recursive .glob() in TFRecordReader for nested directory structures
- Experimental Keras Trainer (converts tf.keras.Model into tf.estimator.Estimator)
- Add run_id parameter to MlFlow macro (to restart a run)
- Refactor to_example logic (make ``arrays_to_example`` importable to convert NumPy arrays to tf.Example)
- Add missing macros module import
- Add batch_shape to Field
- ``__iter__`` method of `Reader` (remove context manager to avoid issue with Keras)
- use skein_launcher instead of in-house implementation using skein.
- Use skip_steps when computing gradient norms in Optimizer
- Path copy_file (to support local <> HDFS copies)