What's Changed
* New documentation by tom-andersson and kallewesterling, containing steps for getting started, a user guide, learning resources, a list of research ideas, community information, and more. Uses the Jupyter Book system with fully reproducible notebooks demoing features of the package.
* New `deepsensor.data.sources` module for downloading ERA5, GHCNd, topography, and land mask data directly into DeepSensor xarray/pandas format. Results can be cached to disk to avoid re-downloading. Leverages [`get-station-data`](https://github.com/scotthosking/get-station-data) tool by scotthosking, magnusross, and tom-andersson.
* New plotting tools: `deepsensor.plot.prediction` and `deepsensor.plot.task`.
* Various bug fixes.
Breaking changes
* The `ConvNP` hyperparameter `points_per_unit` has been renamed to `internal_density` to be more intuitive. Instances of `points_per_unit` in code and model JSON configuration files will need to be renamed to `internal_density`.
New Contributors
* scotthosking made their first contribution in https://github.com/tom-andersson/deepsensor/pull/86
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/tom-andersson/deepsensor/compare/v0.3.2...v0.3.3