
Latest version: v1.1.4

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Release Notes v0.12.0 - October 2020

Overall changes

* The regularization operator matrices ``regoperator`` now include the edges of the distribution (38). Now the smoothness penalty is imposed on the distribution edges avoiding the accumulation of distribution mass at the edges of ``r``.

* The interface for defining dipolar pathways has been simplified (41). For example, a signal with two dipolar pathways had to be defined as ``pathways = [[Lam0,np.nan], [lam1,T0]]``. Now the unmodulated pathway can just be defined by its amplitude and does not require the use of ``np.nan``, e.g. ``pathways = [Lam0, [lam1,T0]]``.

* The project version control has been switched from the Git-flow to the GitHub-flow design. The default branch has been switched from ``master`` to ``main``, which is now always production-ready. All new contributions are merged into ``main`` exclusively by pull requests.

* The dependency on the ``lambda`` parameter has been removed from all phenomenological background models, and kept only for physical models (43). Their interface with ``dipolarbackground`` and ``dipolarkernel`` have been updated accordingly.

New features:

* ``diststats``: New function to calculate different statistical quantities of the distance distribution and their corresponding uncertainties (38).

* ``bootan``: Introduced the option ``cores`` to parallelize the bootstrapping using multiple CPU.

Specific changes

* ``bg_homfractal``:
- Corrected behavior of the model. For ``d=3`` the model returned wrong values, and for ``d~=3`` the model resulted in an error.

* ``UncertQuant``:
- Fixed bug when propagating uncertainty to scalar functions.

* ``deerload``:
- Fixed UTF-8 error when loading certain spectrometer files in MacOS (30)

* ``fitsignal``:
- The fitted scale of the signal is now properly calculated when fitting fully parametric signals.
- Fixed error occuring when fitting a dipolar evolution function with a non-parametric distribution.

* ``selregparam``:
- Fixed bug occuring when requesting the ``lc`` or ``lr`` selection methods.

* ``regparamange``:
- An error occuring at the BLAS/LAPLACK error ocurring under certain conditions in MacOS and Ubuntu is now handled to avoid a crash.



Overall changes

* All Gauss models (``dd_gauss``,etc.) now use the standard deviation ``sigma`` instead of the FWHM as the width parameter for consistency with other method such as Rice distributions. (19)

* All hard-wired random seeds have been removed.

* A new method ``plot()`` has been added to the ``FitResult`` class returned by all fit functions. This will create a basic plot of the fit results. (7)

Specific changes
* ``snlls``:
- Renamed option ``penalty`` as ``reg`` and improved its interface (13).
- The regularization parameter of the optimal solution is returned now (20).

* ``whitegaussnoise``: Added a ``seed`` option to select static noise realizations.

* ``correctzerotime``:
- Fixed bug when zero-time is at start/end of array (24).
- Function no longer rescales the experimental data passed on to the function.

* ``fitsignal``:
- The regularization parameter of the optimal solution is returned now (20).
- Bug fixed when fitting dipolar evolution functions (no background and no experiment models) with a parametric distance distribution.

* ``fitmultimodel``: Start points are now spread over constrained parameter space grid instead of being randomble initiated (22).

* ``deerload``:
- Now returns the time axis in microseconds instead of nanoseconds (21).
- The bug appearing when loading certain BES3T files has been fixed (14).

* ``fitregmodel``: Now returns the fitted dipolar signal in the ``FitResult`` output

* ``correctscale``: The parameter fit ranges have been adjusted.



As of this version, DeerLab is written in Python in contrast to older versions based on MATLAB.

Deprecated functions

The following functions have been deprecated due to limited usability or due to functionality overlap with other DeerLab functions: ``aptkernel``, ``backgroundstart``, ``fitbackground``, ``paramodel``, and ``time2freq``.

Overall changes

* All fit functions now return a single ``FitResult`` output which will contain all results.

* All functions are now compatible with non-uniformly increasing distance axes.

* All fit functions are completely agnostic with respect of the abolute values of the signal amplitude. This is automatically fitted by all function and return as part of the results.

* Uncertainty quantification for all fit functions is returned as a ``UncertQuant`` object from which confidence intervals, parameter distributions, etc. can be generated generalizing the uncertainty interface for all DeerLab. Uncertainty can now be propagated to arbitrary functions.

Specific changes

* ``fitparamodel``: the functionality has been streamlined. Function now fits arbitrary parametric models using non-linear leas-squares without consideration of whether it is a time-domain or distance-domain model. The models no longer need to take two inputs (axis+parameters) and now only tk the parameters as input.

* ``fitregmodel``: goodness-of-fit estimators are now computed using the proper estimation the degrees of freedom.

* ``fitmultimodel``: added internal measures to avoid situations where one or several components are suppressed by fitting zero-amplitudes making the method more stable.

* ``uqst``: the uncertainty distributions of the parameters are now returned as properly normalized probability density functions.

* ``fftspec``: frequency axis construction has been corrected.

* ``regoperator``: now calculates the numerically exact finite-difference matrix using Fornberg's method.

* ``correctphase``: now can handle 2D-datasets.

- In the toolbox-free version of DeerLab, when dealing with sub-optimal numerical conditions, the `lmlsqnonlin` solver would lead to (apparently) random crashes. This have been fixed and the solver no longer crashes midst optimization.

- Improved speed of the `lmlsqnonlin` solver making the toolbox-free version faster.

See all commits for further details.



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