- switched `-af` to `-filter_complex` for resampling, so channel swapping\ and sample rate conversion works at the same time
- disabled `surround_90_degree_phase_shift` - `DEE`'s measure and encoding step's progress has been remapped,\ both step goes to 100% now
- set `<surround_3db_attenuation>` to `false` in `thd.xml`
- prior to this version deew swapped Ls Rs with Lrs Rrs, now it passes\ `-filter_complex pan=7.1|c0=c0|c1=c1|c2=c2|c3=c3|c4=c6|c5=c7|c6=c4|c7=c5`\ to 7.1 sources. - moved ffmpeg args setup out of for loop
- added `-cl`/`--changelog` option - better argparse - added types and improvements by nyuszika7h - single input encodes shows a per encode progress bar that indicates both\ `ffmpeg`'s temp creation and `DEE`'s measuring and encoding step - fixed dd multithreading