
Latest version: v0.2.6

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??? new "New Features"
- [x] Sourcer API:
- **Added a new `source_audio_samplerate` metadata parameter:**
- Re-implemented `__extract_audio_bitrate` internal function from scratch as `__extract_audio_bitrate_nd_samplerate`.
- Implemented new algorithm to extract both extract both audio bitrate and samplerate from given source.
- Updated regex patterns according to changes.
- Updated `__contains_video` and `__contains_audio` logic to support new changes.
- **Added metadata extraction support:**
- Added `retrieve_metadata` class method to Sourcer API for extracting source metadata as python dictionary.
* Populated private source member values in dictionary with distinct keys.
- Added new `-force_validate_source` attribute to Sourcer API's `sourcer_params` dict parameter for special cases.
- Implemented check whether `probe_stream()` called or not in Sourcer API.
- [x] FFdecoder API:
- **Added metadata extraction and updation support:**
- Added `metadata` property object function to FFdecoder API for retrieving source metadata form Sourcer API as dict and return it as JSON dump for pretty printing.
* Added Operational Mode as read-only property in metadata.
- Added `metadata` property object with `setter()` method for updating source metadata with user-defined dictionary.
* Implemented way to manually alter metadata keys and values for custom results.
- [x] Docs:
* **Added new comprehensive documentation with Mkdocs:**
- Added new image assets:
- Added new Deffcode banner image, logo and tagline
- Added new icon ICO file with each layer of the favicon holds a different size of the image.
- Added new png images for best compatibility with different web browsers.
- Added new docs files:
- Added new with introduction to project.
- Added new
- Added
- Added new with instructions for contributing in DeFFcode.
- Added `` with Issue Contribution Guidelines.
- Added `` with PR Contribution Guidelines.
- Added new `custom.js` to add gitter sidecard support.
- Added new `custom.css` that brings standard and quality visual design experience to DeFFcode docs.
- Added new admonitions `new` and `alert`.
- Added separate LICENSE(under CC creative commons) and for assets.
- Added new `main.html` extending `base.html` for defining custom site metadata.
- Added deFFcode banner image to metadata.
- Added twitter card and metadata.
- Added version warning for displaying a warning when the user visits any other version.
- Added footer sponsorship block.
- Added gitter card official JS script dist.
- Added new custom `404.html` to handle HTTP status code `404` Not Found.
- Implemented custom theming with new CSS style.
- Added custom 404 image asset.
- Added new `` with DeFFcode Installation notes.
- Added info about Supported Systems, Supported Python legacies, Prerequisites, Installation instructions.
- Added Pip and Source Installation instructions.
- Added new `` with machine-specific instructions for FFmpeg installation.
- Added new `` with different ways to help DeFFcode, other users, and the author.
- Added info about Starring and Watching DeFFcode on GitHub, Helping with open issues etc.
- Added Tweeter intent used for tweeting `deffode` hastags easily.
- Added Kofi Donation link button.
- Added author contact links and left align avatar image.
- Added new `` to get help with DeFFcode.
- Added DeFFcode gitter community link.
- Added other helpful links.
- Added new assets folders.
- Added Basic Recipes with
- Added Advanced Recipes with
- Added all API References.
- Added `mkdocstrings` automatic documentation from sources.
- Added new `` for FFdecoder API with its description and explaining its API.
- Added new `` for Sourcer API with its description and explaining its API.
- Added ffhelper methods API references.
- Added utils methods API references.
- Added all API Parameters.
- Added new `` for FFdecoder API explaining all its parameters.
- Added new `` for Sourcer API explaining all its parameters.
- Added Mkdocs support with mkdocs.yml
- Implemented new `mkdocs.yml` with relevant parameters.
- Added extended material theme with overridden parts.
- Added site metadata with site_name, site_url, site_author, site_description, repo_name, repo_url, edit_uri, copyright etc.
- Added navigation under sections for easily accessing each document.
- Implemented Page tree for DeFFcode docs.
- Added features like navigation.tracking, navigation.indexes,, search.suggest, search.highlight, search.share, content.code.annotate.
- Added separate palette [default]light(with primary:green accent: dark green) and [slate]dark(with primary:teal accent: light green) mode.
- Added Color palette toggle switch with icon `material/home-lightning-bolt`.
- Added support for all pymarkdown-extensions.
- Added google fonts for text: `Quicksand` and code: `Fira Code`.
- Added custom logo and icon for DeFFcode.
- Added support for plugins like search, git-revision-date-localized, minify.
- Added support for `mkdocstrings` plugin for auto-built API references.
* Added python handler for parsing python source-code to `mkdocstrings`.
* Improved source-code docs for compatibility with `mkdocstrings`.
- Added support for extensions like `admonition`, `attr_list`, `codehilite`, `def_list`, `footnotes`, `meta`, and `toc`.
- Added social icons and links.
- Added custom `extra_css` and `extra_javascript`.
- Added support for `en` (English) language.
- Added new badges to for displaying current status of CI jobs and coverage.
- Added Roadmap to
- [x] CI:
* **Automated CI support for different environments:**
- Implemented auto-handling of dependencies installation, unit testing, and coverage report uploading.
- Added GitHub Action workflow for Linux envs:
- Added and configured `CIlinux.yml` to enable GitHub Action workflow for Linux-based Testing Envs.
- Added `3.7+` python-versions to build matrix.
- Added code coverage through `codecov/codecov-actionv2` workflow for measuring unit-tests effectiveness.
* Implemented behavior to about coverage upload on timeout(error code `124`) in pytests.
- Added Appveyor workflow for Windows envs:
- Add and configured `appveyor.yml` to enable Appveyor workflow for Windows-based Testing Envs.
- Added `3.7+` 64-bit python-versions to build matrix.
- Enabled `fast_finish` to exit immediately on error.
- Added Azure-Pipelines workflow for MacOS envs:
- Add and configured `azure-pipelines.yml` to enable Azure-Pipelines workflow for MacOS-based Testing Envs.
- Added code coverage through `codecov` workflow for measuring unit-tests effectiveness.
* Added online auto validation of `codecov` bash script using `SH256SUM` and `sig` files as recommended.
- Implemented behavior to about coverage upload on timeout(error code `124`) in pytests.
- Added `3.7+` python-versions to build matrix.
- Added automated flake8 testing to discover any anomalies in code.
- Added `master` branches for triggering CI.
* **Implement new automated Docs Building and Deployment on `gh-pages` through GitHub Actions workflow:**
- Added new workflow yaml `docs_deployer.yml` for automated docs deployment.
- Added different jobs with ubuntu-latest environement to build matrix.
- Added `actions/checkoutv2` for repo checkout and `actions/setup-pythonv2` for python environment.
- Pinned python version to `3.8` for python environment in docs building.
- Added `GIT_TOKEN`, `GIT_NAME`, `GIT_EMAIL` environment variables through secrets.
- Added Mkdocs Material theme related python dependencies and environments.
- Added push on `master` and `dev` branch `release` with `published` as triggers.
- Pinned `mkdocstrings==0.17.0`.
* **Added new Automated Docs Versioning:**
- Implemented Docs versioning through `mike`.
- Separate new workflow steps to handle different versions.
- Added step to auto-create `RELEASE_NAME` environment variable from DeFFcode version file.
- Update docs deploy workflow to support `latest`, `release` and `dev` builds.
- Added automatic release version extraction from GitHub events.
* **Added Skip Duplicate Actions Workflow to DeFFcode Docs Deployer:**
- Added Skip Duplicate Actions(`fkirc/skip-duplicate-actionsmaster`) Workflow to DeFFcode Docs Deployer to prevent redundant duplicate workflow-runs.
- [x] Maintenance:
* **New DeFFcode project issue and PR templates:**
- Added PR template:
- Added a pull request template(``) for project contributors to automatically see the template's contents in the pull request body.
- Added Brief Description, Requirements / Checklist, Related Issue, Context, Types of changes blocks.
- Added Proposal, Bug-Report and Question templates:
- Created an `ISSUE_TEMPLATE` subdirectory to contain multiple issue templates.
- Add manually-created Proposal(``) and Question(``) issue template for project contributors to automatically see the template's contents in the issue body.
- Added Brief Description, Acknowledgment, Context, Current Environment, Any Other Information like blocks.
- Add an manually-created Bug Report(``) issue template to `ISSUE_TEMPLATE` subdirectory for project contributors to automatically see the template's contents in the issue body.
- Added Brief Description, Acknowledgment, Context, Current Environment, Expected Behavior, Actual Behavior, Possible Fix, Steps to reproduce, Miscellaneous like blocks.
- Added YAML frontmatter to each issue template to pre-fill the issue title, automatically add labels and assignees, and give the template a name and description.
- Added a `config.yml` file to the `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE` folder to customize the issue template chooser that people see when creating a new issue.
- Set `blank_issues_enabled` parameter to `false` to encourage contributors to use issue templates.
- Added `contact_links` parameter with gitter community link to receive regular issues outside of GitHub.
- Added new `FUNDING.yml` with ko-fi donation link.
- Added `.gitattributes` for DeFFcode, that set the default behavior, in case people don't have `core.autocrlf` set.
- Imported Codecov config(`codecov.yml`) from vidgear to modify coverage parameters.
- [x] Tests:
* **Added DeFFcode unit tests with `pytest`:**
- Added `` for defining all essential functions necessary for DeFFcode unit tests.
- Added `return_static_ffmpeg`, `remove_file_safe`, `return_testvideo_path`, return_generated_frames_path, `actual_frame_count_n_frame_size` essential functions.
- Added `is_windows` global variable.
- Added related imports and logging.
- Added ``.
- Moved all files to `test` folder.
- Added DeFFcode's utils unit tests with pytest.
- Added new `test_loggerhandler` and `test_dict2Args` tests.
- Added DeFFcode's ffhelper unit tests with pytest.
- Added new `test_ffmpeg_binaries_download`, `test_validate_ffmpeg`, `test_get_valid_ffmpeg_path`, `test_check_sp_output`, `test_is_valid_url`, `test_is_valid_image_seq`, and `test_validate_imgseqdir` parametrize tests.
- Added DeFFcode's Sourcer API unit tests with pytest.
- Added new `test_source` and `test_probe_stream_n_retrieve_metadata` parametrize tests.
- Added DeFFcode's FFdecoder API unit tests with pytest.
- Added new `test_source_playback`, `test_frame_format`, `test_metadata`, `test_seek_n_save`, and `test_FFdecoder_params` parametrize unit tests.
- Added related imports and logging.
- Added unit test for `delete_file_safe` utils function.
- [x] Bash:
- 🔧 Imported from vidgear for downloading pytest datasets to `temp` dir.

??? success "Updates/Improvements"
- [x] FFdecoder API:
- Removed redundant forcing `-r` FFmpeg parameter for image sequences as source.
- Removed redundant checks on `-vf` FFmpeg parameter.
- FFmpeg parameter `-s` will be discarded in favor of `-custom_resolution` attribute.
- Replaced `-constant_framerate` with FFmpeg `-framerate` attribute.
- Replaced `-custom_source_params` with correct `-custom_sourcer_params` attribute.
- Renamed `operational_mode` metadata parameter to `ffdecoder_operational_mode`.
- [x] Sourcer API:
- Converted all Sourcer APIs public available variables into private ones for stability.
* All Sourcer's publicly accessed variable metadata values in FFdecoder, therefore replaced with dictionary counterparts.
- Moved FFmpeg path validation and handling to Sourcer from FFdecoder API.
* Moved `-ffmpeg_download_path` dictionary attribute to Sourcer API's `sourcer_params` parameter.
* Moved dependencies and related functions.
- [x] CI:
- Excluded `dev` branch from triggering workflow on any environment.
- Updated yaml files to exclude beta `dev` branch from triggering workflow on any environment.
- Restricted codecov to use only `master` branch.
- Re-implemented `fkirc/skip-duplicate-actionsmaster` to Skip individual deploy steps instead of Skip entire jobs
- [x] Docs:
- Updated
- Added instructions to download `` using curl.
- Updated dependencies for `pytest`.
- Updated
- Updated generating Video from Image sequence to save video using OpenCV writer instead of WriteGear API.
- Added `frame_format="bgr24"`and additional instructions regarding OpenCV writer.
- Updated example codes with new changes.
- Rearranged examples placement.
- Updates to custom.css
- Added donation sponsor link in page footer with heart animation.
- Added bouncing heart animation through pure CSS.
- Added Bold property to currently highlighted link in Navigation Bar.
- Updated Navigation Bar title font size.
- Updated version list text to uppercase and bold.
- Updated icon for task list unchecked.
- Added more top-padding to docs heading.
- Updated Block quote symbol and theming.
- Updated Custom Button theming to match docs.
- Added new custom classes to create shadow effect in dark mode for better visibility.
- Updated dark mode theme "slate" hue to 285.
- Updated admonitions colors.
- Updated gitter sidecard UI colors and properties.
- Reflected recent changes in Sourcer and FFdecoder API's metadata.
- Updated sample code formatting from `sh` to `json`.
- Added missing docs for `delete_file_safe` utils function.
- Updated Download Test Datasets instructions.
- Updated contribution guidelines and installation docs with related changes.
- Updated License Notice.
- Updated code comments.
- Updated logging messages.
- Updated Deffcode Logo and Tagline to be dark-mode friendly.
- Adjusted asset alignment.
- Updated example code.
- Updated Installation instructions, Requirements and Roadmap.
- Corrected links to documents.
- Updated project description.
- Updated LICENSE.
- Updated indentation and code comments
- Re-aligned text and images in
- Adjusted image classes and width.
- [x] Maintenance:
- Updated LICENSE notice to add vidgear notice.
- Bumped version to `0.2.0`
- Added useful comments for convenience.

??? danger "Breaking Updates/Changes"
- [x] :skull_crossbones: Sourcer API will now raises Assertion error if `probe_stream()` not called before calling `retrieve_metadata()`.
- [x] :skull_crossbones: Only `-framerate` values greater than `0.0` are now valid.
- [x] :skull_crossbones: Renamed `decode_stream` to `probe_stream` in Sourcer API.
- [x] :skull_crossbones: Any of _video bitrate_ or _video framerate_ are sufficient to validate if source contains valid video stream(s).
- [x] :skull_crossbones: Any of _audio bitrate_ or _audio samplerate_ are sufficient to validate if source contains valid audio stream(s).

??? bug "Bug-fixes"
- [x] APIs:
- Added missing `delete_file_safe` function in utils.
- Imported `delete_file_safe` from vidgear to safely deletes files at given path.
- Fixed forward slash bugs in regex patterns.
- Fixed IndexError when no bitrate was discovered in given source.
- Fixed FFmpeg subprocess pipeline not terminating gracefully in FFdecoder API.
- Fixed `__version__` not defined in DeFFcode's `` that throws `AttributeError: module 'deffcode' has no attribute '__version__'` on query.
- Added necessary import in ``.
- [x] Docs:
- Fixed missing `"-vcodec": "h264_cuvid"` value in example code.
- Fixed typos in filenames in
- Fixed internal missing or invalid hyperlinks.
- Fixed improper docs context and typos.
- Fixed "year" in license notice.
- Fixed content spacing.
- Fixed Gitter Community Link in Mkdocs.
- Fixed typos in
- Fixed typos in license notices.
- Fixed typos in code comments.
- Fixed typos in example code.
- [x] CI:
- Fixed missing FFmpeg dependency bug in GitHub Actions.
- Fixes typo in Docs Deployer yaml.
- Fixed if condition skipping when need is skipping
- [x] Maintenance:
- Added missing imports.
- Fixed redundant conditional logics.
- Removed or Replaced redundant conditions and definitions.
- Fixed minor typos in templates.

??? question "Pull Requests"
* PR 5
* PR 6
* PR 8
* PR 9
* PR 11
* PR 12
* PR 13
* PR 14




??? new "New Features"
- [x] **:tada: Open-Sourced DeFFcode under the Apache 2.0 License.**
- [x] **Added new Classes(APIs):**
* FFdecoder: Performant Real-time **Video frames Generator** for generating blazingly fast video frames(RGB ndarray by default).
* Sourcer: Extracts source video metadata _(bitrate, resolution, framerate, nframes etc.)_ using its subprocess FFmpeg output.
- [x] **Added new Helper functions:**
* ffhelper: Backend FFmpeg Wrapper that handles all subprocess transactions and gather data.
* utils: Handles all additional Utilizes required for functioning of DeFFcode.
- [x] **First PyPi Release:**
* Released DeFFcode to Python Package Index (PyPI)
* Added `` and related metadata.
* Added ``
- [x] **Docs:**
* Added abstract and related information in
* Added installation instructions.
* Added preliminary usage examples.
- [x] **Maintenance:**
* Added LICENSE.
* Added `.gitignore`

??? success "Updates/Improvements"
- [x] Maintenance:
* Bumped version to `0.1.0`
* Updated LICENSE notice to add vidgear code usage notice.

??? danger "Breaking Updates/Changes"
- [x] :skull_crossbones: **Fixed support for Python-3.7 and above legacies only.**

??? bug "Bug-fixes"
- [x] Docs:
* Fixed hyperlinks in README.
* Fixed indentation and spacing.
* Fixed typos and updated context.
* Removed dead code.



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