
Latest version: v2.0.15

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- Add Dutch translation.

- Add the ``deform.widget.DateTimeWidget`` widget, which uses the jQueryUI
Timepicker add-on.

``DateTimeWidget`` uses the ISO8601 combined date and time format
internally, as expected by ``colander.DateTime``, but converts to
the more friendly separate date and time format for display in the

This widget is now the default for colander.DateTime schema types.

- Upgrade to jquery-ui 1.8.11, as required by the timepicker.

- Compile all ``.po`` files to ``.mo`` in ``deform/locale`` and remove Texan
locale (funny, but breaks ``python compile_catalog`` with an
UnknownLocale error.)

- Fix references to repoze.bfg and update obsoletes URLs in the demo application

- Remove unused ``jquery.autocomplete.min.js`` file from static directory.

- SelectWidget now has a ``size`` attribute to support single select widgets
that are not dropdowns.

- The value fed to the ``deform.form.Button`` class as ``name`` would
generate an invalid HTML id if it contained spaces. Now it converts spaces
to underscores if they exist in the name. See .

- Deformdemo application now has a Time field demonstration.

- Deform Chameleon templates now contain i18n:translate tags.

- German translation updated.

- Fixed invalid HTML generated for "select" widget.

- When using an ajax form without a redirect, a submit overwrites the form.
In the case of a form validation failure on first submit, no event handlers
were registered to submit the form via ajax on the second submit. This is
now fixed. See .



- Moved to GitHub (

- Added tox.ini for testing purposes.

- Fix select dropdown behavior on Firefox by fixing CSS (closes

- Removed ``wufoo.css``, minimized ``form.css``. Changed templates around to
deal with CSS changes.

- Sequence widgets now accept a min_len and a max_len argument, which
influences its display of close and add buttons.

- Convert demo application from repoze.bfg to Pyramid.

- Depend on Chameleon<1.999 (deform doesn't yet work with Chameleon 2).




- Allow ``deform.form.Button`` class to be passed a ``disabled`` flag (false
by default). If a Button is disabled, its HTML ``disabled`` setting will
be set true.




- Added Polish locale data: thanks to Marcin Lulek.

Bug Fixes

- Fix dynamic sequence item adding on Chrome and Firefox 4. Previously if
there was a validation error rendering a set of sequence items, the "add
more" link would be rendered outside the form, which would cause it to not
work. Wrapping the sequence item <li> element in a <ul> fixed this.




- Added Danish locale.

- Added Spanish locale: thanks to David Cerna for the translations!

- ``DatePartsWidget`` now renders error "Required" if all blank or
"Incomplete" if partially blank for consistency with the other widgets.

- Different styling involving <li> and <ul> for checkbox choice,
checked input, radio choice, checked password, and dateparts widgets
(via Ergo^). See


- Deform now depends on ``colander`` version 0.8 or better (the demo
wants to use schema bindings).

- Deform now depends on ``Chameleon`` (uppercase) rather than
``chameleon`` to allow for non-PyPI servers.


- New addition to the demonstration application: schema binding.




- Sequence widgets are no longer ``structural`` by default; they now
print the label of the sequence above the sequence adder.

- Radio buttons in a radio button choice widget are now spaced closer
together and the button is on the left hand side.

- The sequence remove button is no longer an image.

- The sequence widget now puts the sequence adding link *after* any
existing items in the sequence (previously the link was always
beneath the sequence title).

- It is now possible to associate a widget with a schema node within
the schema directly. For example::

import colander
import deform.widget

class MySchema(Schema):
description = colander.SchemaNode(

For more information, see "Changing the Default Widget Associated
With a Field" in the documentation.

- The constructor of ``deform.Field`` objects (and thus
``deform.Form`` objects) now accept arbitrary keyword arguments,
each of which is attached to the field or form object being
constructed, as well as being attached to its descendant fields

- The form object's template now respects the ``css_class`` argument /
attribute of the form node.

- CheckboxChoice and RadioChoice widgets now use <ul> and <li> to
display individual choice elements (thanks to Ergo^), and both
widgets put the label after the element instead of before as

- The ``deform.widget.AutocompleteInputWidget`` widget now uses
`JQuery UI's autocomplete sublibrary
<>` instead of the
``jquery.autocomplete`` library to perform its job in order to
reduce the number of libraries needed by Deform. Some options have
been changed as a result, and the set of resources returned by
``form.get_widget_resources`` has changed.

This change also implies that when a widget which uses a remote URL
as a ``values`` input, the remote URL must return a JSON structure
instead of a ``\n``-delimited list of values.


- This Deform version requires ``colander`` version 0.7.3 or better.

Bug Fixes

- ``RichTextWidget``, ``AutocompleteInputWidget``, ``TextInputWidget``
with input masks, and ``CheckedInputWidget`` with input masks could
not be used properly within sequences. Now they can be. See also
``Internal`` and ``Backwards Incompatibilities`` within this
release's notes. This necessitated new required ``deform.load()``
and ``deform.addCallback()`` JavaScript APIs.

- Radio choice widgets included within a submapping no longer put
their selections on separate lines.

- Rich text widgets are now 500 pixels wide by default instead of 640.

- RadioChoiceWidgets did not work when they were used within
sequences. Making them work required some changes to the its
template and it added a dependency on ``peppercorn`` >= 0.3.

- To make radio choice widgets work within sequences, the
deform.addSequenceItem JavaScript method needed to be changed. It
will now change the value of ``name`` attributes which contain a
marker that looks like an field oid (e.g. ``deformField1``), and,
like the code which changes ids in the same manner, appends a random
component (e.g. ``deformField1-HL6sgP``). This is to support radio
button groupings.

- The mapping and sequence item templates now correctly display errors
with ``msg`` values that are lists. Previously, a repr of a Python
list was displayed when a widget had an error with a ``msg`` value
that was a list; now multiple <p> nodes are inserted into the
rendering, each <p> node containing an individual error message.
(Note that this change requires colander 0.7.3).

Backwards Incompatibilities

- The JavaScript function ``deform.load()`` now *must* be called by
the HTML page (usually in a script tag near the end of the page, ala
``<script..>deform.load()</script>``) which renders a Deform form in
order for widgets which use JavaScript to do proper event and
behavior binding. If this function is not called, built-in widgets
which use JavaScript will no longer function properly.

- The JavaScript function ``deformFocusFirstInput`` was removed. This
is now implied by ``deform.load()``.

- The ``closebutton_url`` argument to the SequenceWidget no longer
does anything. Style the widget template via CSS to add an image.


- Provided better instructions for running the demo app and running
the tests for the demo app in ``deformdemo/README.txt``.

- Try to prevent false test failures by injecting sleep statements in
things that use ``browser.key_press``.

- Moved ``deformdemo/tests/`` to ``deformdemo/`` as
well as moving ``deformdemo/tests/`` to
``deformdemo/``. Removed the ``deformdemo/tests``

- The date input widget now uses JQueryUI's ``datepicker``
functionality rather than relying on JQuery Tools' ``date`` input.
The latter was broken for sequences, and the former works fine.

- The various deform* JavaScript functions in ``deform.js`` have now
been moved into a top-level namespace. For example, where it was
necessary to call ``deformFocusFirstInput()`` before, it is now
necessary to call ``deform.focusFirstInput()``.

- Make the TinyMCE rich text widget use ``mode: 'exact'`` instead of
``mode: 'textareas'``.

- ``richtext``, ``autocomplete_input``, ``textinput``,
``checked_input``, and ``dateinput``, and ``form`` templates now use
the new ``deform.addCallback`` indirection instead of each
registering their own JQuery callback or performing their own
initialization logic, so that each may be used properly within

- Change sequence adding logic to be slightly simpler.

- The sample app form page now calls ``deform.load()`` rather than

- Added new demo app views for showing a sequence of autocompletes, a
sequence of dateinputs, a sequence of richtext fields, a sequence of
radio choice widgets and a sequence of text inputs with masks and
tests for same.


- Added a note about ``get_widget_resources`` to the "Basics"

- Added a note about ``deform.load()`` JavaScript requiredness to the
"Basics" chapter.

- Add new top-level sections named ``Widget Templates`` and ``Widget
JavaScript`` to the "Widgets" chapter.

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