This iteration took quiet long to complete as it presumably solved the hardest
problem on the way to shed off the essential dependency on ``lxml``, also
resulting in human-friendly serializations that achieve unprecedented clarity.
The library's robustness is now proven with integration tests that are verified
against eleven diverse TEI encoded corpora that sum up to more than 360k
documents with a total volume of 3.33 GB.
- *delb* is now autonomously serializing contents, the :doc:`api/serialization`
chapter details current capabilities and interfaces.
- The `HTML documentation`_ received a big revision for pleasant discovery and
- Methods that add nodes to a tree now return the added concrete nodes.
- The new :func:`delb.compare_trees` is available to compare nested
- ⚠️ To align with Python standard behaviour, accessing a non-existing attribute
with subscript notation now raises a :exc:`KeyError`.
- ⚠️ The use of namespace declarations (to prefixes) that were used in a parsed
source stream is deprecated. Notably queries will not use them as fallback
when invoked without the ``namespaces`` argument. Instead they *will* likely
use the called-on node's namespace as default namespace.
- ⚠️ :attr:`delb.ParserOptions.collapse_whitespace` was renamed to
:attr:`delb.ParserOptions.reduce_whitespace`, as there is now
:meth:`delb.Document.reduce_whitespace` to reflect that they also trim
excessive whitespace.
- ⚠️ The Xpath evaluation expressions of absolute paths on the child axis in the
first location step is fixed. Consider to double check your usages.
- Comparing :class:`TagNode` instances is now de facto an identity check. The
previous behaviour can be achieved by comparing :attr:`TagNode.universal_name`
and :attr:`TagNode.attributes`.
- ⚠️ :attr:`delb.Document.head_nodes` was renamed to
:attr:`delb.Document.prologue`, :attr:`delb.Document.tail_nodes` to
- ⚠️ :func:`delb.get_traverser` now only accepts keyword arguments.
- ⚠️ Support for Python 3.7 was removed.
- Support for Python 3.12 and 3.13 was added.
- ⚠️ The :func:`_delb.plugins.core_loaders.etree_loader` is marked as
Previously deprecated contents have been removed.
.. _HTML documentation: https://delb.readthedocs.io/