- fix 976 -- unicode-issues in display-name of email addresses. hpk42
- fix 985 group add/remove member bugs resulting in broken groups. hpk42
- fix hanging IMAP connections -- we now detect with a 15second timeout
if we cannot terminate the IDLE IMAP protocol. hpk42 link2xt
- fix incoming multipart/mixed containing html, to show up as
attachments again. Fixes usage for simplebot which sends html
files for users to interact with the bot. adbenitez hpk42
- refinements to internal autocrypt-handling code, do not send
prefer-encrypt=nopreference as it is the default if no attribute
is present. linkxt
- simplify, modularize and rustify several parts
of dc-core (general WIP). link2xt flub hpk42 r10s
- use async-email/async-smtp to handle SMTP connections, might
fix connection/reconnection issues. link2xt
- more tests and refinements for dealing with blobstorage flub hpk42
- use a dedicated build-server for CI testing of core PRs