- Json module implemented for config data structure
- Added data folder with two samples and a config file for testing
- Added 2D transformation option to
- Placing mp-transformation script in the cranium directory to function as a module
- Added try/except statements to each processing step in mp-transformation to allow the script to continue running if a single sample failed
- `calc_variance` function calculates bin variance and sample variance for a particular landmark size
- `anumSelect` class for finding the optimum value of anum in landmark calculation
- Changed `convert_to_arr` to accommodate a main array and a list of additional arrays
- `read_psi_to_dict` now uses regular expression to find sample numbers instead of splitting and indexing the file path
- `convert_to_arr` uses the minimum bin value for cartesian as opposed to the mean so that it is compatible with lm.acbins and lm.tbins