Key Changes
- `DM-Count` parser for crowd density estimation model. 56
- Unifying `MonocularDepthParser` and `ThermalImageParser` into general `MapOutputParser`. 57
- `SegmentationParser` extension - support more segmentation models. 59
- `LaneDetectionParser`. 61
- `PPTextDetectionParser`. 60
- `PaddleOCRParser`. 64
- `MultiClassificationParser` 68
- Improved error handling in `MPPalmDetectionParser`. 72
- YOLOv8 kpts. and seg. RVC4 fix. 76
- FastSAM RVC4 fix. 76
- Two seperate parsers for XFeat - Mono and Stereo versions - and postprocessing quality and speed improvements. 82
- `Map2D` message type. 56
- Replacing density, depth, and thermal messages with general `Map2D` message. 57
- `Cluster` message. 61
- `Composite` message. 67
- `CornerDetections` message. 71
- `FastSAM` example. 58
- `MultiClassification` example. 93
- `PaddleOCR` example. 93
- `PPTextDetection` example. 93
- `XFeat` mono and stereo examples. 93
Utility nodes
- `Tiling` and `TilesPatcher`. 89