
Latest version: v1.7.0

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This release includes installer packages for Windows 10-64bit and MacOSX 10.11 or greater.


You may see the following message when using the command-line tools:

CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 3.5 support will be dropped in the next release of cryptography. Please upgrade your Python.

This warning message can be safely ignored. The next release of DERIVA Client Tools will include a newer embedded Python version.


This release includes installer packages for Windows 10-64bit and MacOSX 10.11 or greater.

* This release adds support for user home directory installations in addition to system-wide installations. User installations can be used when system-wide software installations are limited to system administrators only or by other exclusionary policies.

- On Windows systems, this is the now the default installation type. However, it can be overridden via command line to perform a system-wide installation.
- On MacOSX, users must click the `"Change Installation Location..."` and then select `"Install for me only"` to perform a user installation.

For more information, see this installation documentation [link](


The DERIVA Client Tools package is published on PyPi as `deriva-client`. Installation from PyPi via `pip` is recommended. See the installation documentation [here](

__Release Notes__

Update to include official `1.3.0` releases of `deriva-py` and `deriva-qt`, and version `0.8.0` of `deriva-catalog-manage`.


This release includes installer packages for Windows 10-64bit and MacOSX 10.11 or greater.


This release includes installer packages for Windows 10-64bit and MacOSX 10.11 or greater.


This release includes installer packages for Windows 10-64bit and MacOSX 10.11 or greater.

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