- [fix] Do not duplicate default folders in UO and Persona when copy/paste them. [cekk]
- Enable kitconcept.seo beaviour for a set of CT. [daniele]
- Add link_siti_esterni to SearchableText index. [cekk] - showModifiedDefaultValue compatible with plone.restapi >= 8.9.1 [cekk] - All content-types extends **IDesignPloneContentType** marker interface. [cekk] - Register custom TextBlockSearchableText adapter to index all text blocks in IDesignPloneContentType contents. [cekk] - Customize some Bando and Bando Folder Deepenings fields and allowed types. [cekk] - Add **ufficio_responsabile_bando** and **Subject_bando** indexes to speedup bandi-search-filters endpoint. [cekk] - Upgrade step to enable kitconcept.seo behavior on contents. [daniele] - Refactor types endpoint to be more extensible. [cekk] - *show_modified_default* is **True** by default. [cekk]
- Add new index: uo_location. [cekk] - Add new fields to be indexed in SearchableText for UO: nome_sede, email, pec, web [cekk] - Do not break if there are extra fieldsets that comes from non standard addons: just append them to the default ordered list. [cekk]
- Remove required from *ufficio_responsabile* and *area_responsabile* in **Documento** contents. [cekk]
- You can now add "File" content type inside a CartellaModulistica. [arsenico13]