- Add possibility to create configuration instance from JSON string - Add method to save a configuration instance to file - Update Python base image to 3.9.13 on bullseye
- Fix a type hint for Python versions < 3.10 - Create config object on import of `DeTrusty.Molecule.MTCreation` - Raise exceptions during metadata collection instead of just logging them - Fix issue when using a list of endpoints and not a dictionary - Prevent generation of parsetab.py - Rename log from metadata creation to `.rdfmts.log`
- Exclude tests from Docker image - Fix loggers - Update dependencies - Add capability to query private knowledge graphs - Update RDF Molecule Template creation - Collect metadata from private endpoints - Gather metadata from RML mappings - Fix issue with non-ASCII characters in query
- Add checks (directory exists, file writeable) for the metadata output file before collecting the metadata - Keep a list of all triple patterns in the decomposer - Remove Flask from the list of dependencies of the library
- Some changes in order to use DeTrusty as a library and a service