- compiler: Patch double buffering FabioLuporini (2247)
- compiler: Fix unexpansion w custom coeffs FabioLuporini (2242)
- api: Cleanup sparse setup for precomputed mloubout (2353)
- api: Add Hicks (sinc) interpolation api mloubout (2342)
- api: add priority to fd coefficients for mixed derivatives mloubout (2331)
- api: add support for 45 degree FD approx mloubout (2326)
- api: Fix custom fd for staggered mloubout (2323)
- api: Fix gpu-fit for TensorFunction mloubout (2285)
- misc: Switch off develop-mode FabioLuporini (2280)
- api: Minor fixes to arithmetic operations with scalar and tensors mloubout (2276)
- misc: Process args for subdimensions mloubout (2266)
- api: Add shift and fd order option to all FD operators: mloubout (2258)
- api: Always make subsampling factor symbolic mloubout (2259)
- api: prevent derivative shortcut with incompatible fd order mloubout (2254)
- examples: Interpolation tutorial notebook mloubout (2252)
- examples: Update MPI notebook to reference inner and outer halo terminology EdCaunt (2319)
- Correct the Poisson equation in the cavity flow example rafael-fuente (2308)
- example: small cleanup of tti for easier reuse mloubout (2294)
- misc: Add MPI0 logging level georgebisbas (2130)
- examples: Fix typo in tutorial numbering EdCaunt (2356)
- misc: Docstring updates ZoeLeibowitz (2223)
- compiler: Tweak check_stability to ensure cleanup is performed FabioLuporini (2335)
- compiler: Patch Guards.simplify_and FabioLuporini (2334)
- compiler: Enable generation of templated function declarations FabioLuporini (2333)
- compiler: Add optional pass for runtime stability check FabioLuporini (2327)
- compiler: Tweak Weights.value FabioLuporini (2328)
- compiler: Add Weights.value utility FabioLuporini (2322)
- compiler: Revamp lowering of IndexDerivatives FabioLuporini (2310)
- compiler: Revamp linearization FabioLuporini (2317)
- compiler: Adjust names used for cire-rotate dimensions EdCaunt (2305)
- compiler: Optimize normalize_reductions_dense FabioLuporini (2311)
- compiler: Generate less integer arithmetic FabioLuporini (2301)
- compiler: Misc codegen enhancements FabioLuporini (2300)
- compiler: Revamp data alignment FabioLuporini (2296)
- compiler: Improve IndexDerivative lowering FabioLuporini (2288)
- compiler: Misc code generation improvements FabioLuporini (2282)
- compiler: Fix handling of redundant derivatives FabioLuporini (2284)
- compiler: Introduce cluster-level Temp georgebisbas (2281)
- compiler: Add pass to abridge SubDimension names where possible EdCaunt (2269)
- compiler: Improve quality of generated code FabioLuporini (2263)
- compiler: Add missing numpy dtypes mloubout (2271)
- compiler: Machinery to generate vector types FabioLuporini (2253)
- compiler: Introduce symbolic fencing FabioLuporini (2244)
- compiler: Improve robustness of dspace derivation FabioLuporini (2238)
- misc: Add MPI0 logging level georgebisbas (2130)
- CI: revamp parallel marker mloubout (2347)
- mpi: Generate deterministic code for overlap mode georgebisbas (2303)
- MPI: Fix sparse subfunction handling when used without parent mloubout (2278)
- mpi: Fix haloupdate with inner dim [v2] FabioLuporini (2272)
- mpi: Add utility to get number of ranks on a single node mloubout (2265)
- dsl: Patch domain decomposition bug with SubDomains EdCaunt (2246)
Architectures and JIT
- Use get_nvidia_cc to get Nvidia gpu architecture ggorman (2343)
- arch: Add denormal flag for clang mloubout (2304)
- arch: patch compiler version mloubout (2297)
- example: small cleanup of tti for easier reuse mloubout (2294)
- arch: support rocm for gpu info mloubout (2261)
- compiler: add extra platforms and language to the custom compiler mloubout (2255)
- arch: Intel PVC mapping FabioLuporini (2215)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- compiler: Make code gen of elementary funcs dtype-aware FabioLuporini (2349)
- compiler: Tweak device-aware blocking FabioLuporini (2348)
- compiler: Hotfix unevaluation.Pow(1, ...) FabioLuporini (2321)
- compiler: Fix min/max reductions to be backend-portable FabioLuporini (2315)
- misc: Use `str` for generalization mloubout (2313)
- compiler: Block reductions irrespective of par-tile FabioLuporini (2309)
- compiler: Fix space conditions with loop blocking FabioLuporini (2302)
- data: Prevent allocator info to be lost at finalize mloubout (2295)
- misc: Fix gpu-fit for multiple tensors mloubout (2286)
- compiler: Fix minor codegen issues after pickling FabioLuporini (2283)
- misc: Replace dimension check in pull_dims EdCaunt (2275)
- misc: fix short/ushort codegen mloubout (2274)
- mpi: Fix haloupdate with inner dim [v2] FabioLuporini (2272)
- misc: fix UnboundTuple for None partile mloubout (2256)
- compiler: Hotfix compare-ops FabioLuporini (2251)
- compiler: Patch compare_ops for IndexDerivatives FabioLuporini (2250)
- dsl: Patch domain decomposition bug with SubDomains EdCaunt (2246)
- compiler: Patch symbolic coefficients over cross derivatives FabioLuporini (2248)
- compiler: Patch custom coefficients FabioLuporini (2243)
- CI: revamp parallel marker mloubout (2347)
Continuous Integration
- docker: fix oneapi setup mloubout (2351)
- ci: Update actions for nodejs version deprecation georgebisbas (2312)
- deps: Update rocm version mloubout (2291)
- compiler: Check DeviceFunctions for SubDimensions EdCaunt (2279)
- pip prod(deps): update ipyparallel requirement from <8.8 to <8.9 dependabot (2346)
- pip prod(deps): bump pyrevolve from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 dependabot (2337)
- pip prod(deps): update ipyparallel requirement from <8.7 to <8.8 dependabot (2324)
- deps: prevent codecov error on local docker mloubout (2318)
- pip prod(deps): update pytest requirement from <8.0,>=7.2 to >=7.2,<9.0 dependabot (2299)
- deps: Update rocm version mloubout (2291)
- deps: support python 3.12 mloubout (2270)
- pip prod(deps): update anytree requirement from <=2.12.0,>=2.4.3 to >=2.4.3,<=2.12.1 dependabot (2268)
- pip prod(deps): update anytree requirement from <=2.11.1,>=2.4.3 to >=2.4.3,<=2.12.0 dependabot (2249)
- pip prod(deps): update anytree requirement from <=2.10.0,>=2.4.3 to >=2.4.3,<=2.11.1 dependabot (2241)
New Contributors
* rafael-fuente made their first contribution in
* ZoeLeibowitz made their first contribution in
**Full Changelog**: