
Latest version: v1.8.15

Safety actively analyzes 666181 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Bug Fixes

* change url of azure api to get files change in PR ([dbd2747](
* change url of azure api to get files change in PR 2 ([4381e7d](


* **intellij-plugin:** Fix github actions dependency ([331ac72](
* **intellij-plugin:** Fix github actions dependency ([fbdcad1](
* **intellij-plugin:** Fix github actions dependency ([9fd2c28](
* **intellij-plugin:** Start intellij plugin creation ([8b20ff3](
* **intellij-plugin:** Try semantic release ([e5ae897](
* **intellij-plugin:** Try semantic release ([1c67212](
* **intellij-plugin:** Try semantic release ([639a51f](
* **intellij-plugin:** Try semantic release ([cdabc5c](
* **intellij-plugin:** try set working directory ([c67572d](
* **intellij-plugin:** try set working directory ([96db6cc](
* **intellij-plugin:** try set working directory ([4b4cbc4](
* **intellij-plugin:** Update some settings and add base github actions ([8e3dd87](

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