You can now manage DFCX [Versions](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/cx/docs/concept/version) directly from SCRAPI which includes all basic CRUD functions.
from dfcx_scrapi.core.versions import Versions
from dfcx_scrapi.core.flows import Flows
f = Flows(creds_path)
flows_map = f.get_flows_map(agent_id, reverse=True)
List Versions
all_versions = v.list_versions(flows_map['Default Start Flow'])
Get Version by Display Name
ver = v.get_version_by_display_name(display_name='dsf v2', flow_id=flows_map['Default Start Flow'])
Load Version
lro = v.load_version(ver)
Create Version
lro = v.create_version(flows_map['Default Start Flow'], 'patrick api ver', 'this came from SCRAPI')
Compare Version
res = v.compare_versions(v0, v1, flows_map['Default Start Flow'])
Delete Version
* Feature/versions by Omerside in https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dfcx-scrapi/pull/23
As a compliment to Versions, the DFCX [Environments](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/cx/docs/concept/version#manage-environments) functionality has also been added to SCRAPI.
Automatically manage the promotion of Flow Versions into various Environments within DFCX with this Class.
from dfcx_scrapi.core.environments import Environments
from dfcx_scrapi.core.operations import Operations
ops = Operations(creds_path)
envs = Environments(creds_path)
List Envs
all_envs = envs.list_environments(agent_id)
prod_env = all_envs[0]
Get Env
prod_env = envs.get_environment(prod_env.name)
Get Env by Display Name
demo_env = envs.get_environment_by_display_name('PROD', agent_id)
Create Enviornment
lro = envs.create_environment_by_display_name(
('Default Start Flow', 2),
('Confidence Demo',3),
('Sentiment Demo',1),
('Response Map Demo',1),
('Lists Demo',1),
('Multi Param Demo',1),
('Proper Names Demo',4),
('Entity Routing',1),
('[Redaction] Demo',1)
description='This is my DEMO environment',
Update Environment
lro = envs.update_environment(demo_env.name, display_name='DEMO_API_UPDATE')
Delete Environment
Deploy Flow to Environment
lro = envs.deploy_flow_to_environment(demo_env.name, flow_ver_id))
Lookup Environment History
history = envs.lookup_environment_history(demo_env.name)
List Continuous Test Results
ct_res = envs.list_continuous_test_results(demo_env.name)
* Feature/environments by Omerside in https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dfcx-scrapi/pull/26
Security Settings
You can now manage [CCAI Security Settings](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/cx/docs/concept/security-settings) directly from SCRAPI! The CCAI Security Settings feature allows you to apply Data Loss Prevention (DLP) templates,Redaction Strategies and Retention Policies for conversations that are handled by Dialogflow CX.
from dfcx_scrapi.core.security_settings import SecuritySettings
ss = SecuritySettings(creds_path)
List Security Settings
all_ss = ss.list_security_settings(location_id)
Get Security Settings
my_ss = ss.get_security_settings(my_ss.name)
Create Security Settings from Obj
my_new_ss = my_ss
my_new_ss.display_name = "SCRAPI SS UPDATE"
my_new_ss.retention_window_days = 10
result = ss.create_security_settings(location_id, my_new_ss)
Update Security Settings
result = ss.update_security_settings(my_ss.name, retention_window_days=30, display_name='SCRAPI SS API UPDATE')
Delete Security Settings
result = ss.delete_security_settings(my_ss.name)
* Feature/security settings by kmaphoenix in https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dfcx-scrapi/pull/28
Utterance Generator Utils
This class is an extension of the UtteranceGenerator ML class introduced in [Release v1.1.0](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dfcx-scrapi/releases/tag/1.1.0).
This class provides additional methods that wrap the base class and allow the user to perform tasks like:
- Create New Training Phrases
- Create Test Dataset
- Create Synthetic Dataset
Each of these are ML-powered, synthetically generated datasets meant to bootstrap your bot building experience or further automate the testing and QA of your bots.
from dfcx_scrapi.tools.utterance_generator_util import UtteranceGeneratorUtils
ug = UtteranceGeneratorUtils(creds_path=creds_path)
Create New Training Phrases
df = ug.create_new_training_phrases(agent_id, ['context.people_names'], 10)
Create Test Dataset
df = ug.create_test_dataset(agent_id, ['context.people_names'], 10)
Create Synthetic Dataset
df = ug.create_synthetic_dataset(agent_id, ['context.people_names'], 10)
* Feature/utterance_gen_util by Hgithubacct in https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dfcx-scrapi/pull/15
Bug Fixes
- adding src/dfcx_scrapi/core_async/__init__.py by jmound in https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dfcx-scrapi/pull/21
- Deprecated various methods across classes that were dependent on Python `Requests` library and implemented the methods based on the core Dialogflow CX library
- Updated Dataframe outputs in `Intents.bulk_intent_to_df()` to provide a more consistent naming schema throughout the library
- Updated licensing throughout library
- Various Doc strings and Styles updated throughout the library
- Renamed `tools/utterance_generator_utils.py` -> `tools/utterance_generator_util.py` for name space consistency
- Renamed `tools/webhook_utils.py` -> `tools/webhook_util.py` for name space consistency
- Moved `soop/project.py` -> `core/project.py`
- Deleted unused `soop` folder
- Renamed `tools/analysis_util` -> `tools/levenshtein.py` for more appropriate visibility
New Contributors
* jmound made their first contribution in https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dfcx-scrapi/pull/21
* Hgithubacct made their first contribution in https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dfcx-scrapi/pull/15
* Greenford made their first contribution in https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dfcx-scrapi/pull/15