- Python 3.5 compatibility dropped! DHParser now requires at least Python 3.6.
This allows to use typing.NamedTuples and dataclasses for a clearer
expression of types.
- batch processing: just use several files or a directory or a
shell pattern as parameters for the xxxParser.py or xxxServer.py-Skripts
- DHParser.compile.Compiler is now more tolerant w.r.t to compiler-methods
that manipulate the parent tree (`fallback_compiler`-method rewritten)
- DHParser.syntaxtree: added "skip_subtree"-parameter to Node.select-methods
- DHParser.syntaxtree: more functions for navigating contexts, e.g.
prev_context, next_context.
- DHParser.syntaxtree: added insert() and remove() methods to Node class
- DHParser.syntaxtree: added a mini API for manipulating attributes
- DHParser.parse: added early horizontal tree-reduction to class CombinedParser
- DHParser.ebnf: added ""reduction"-directive
- DHParser.preprocess: added support for chaining of source texts via include