- API reference documentation via Read The Docs: https://diffsims.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- New module: `sphere_mesh_generators`
- New module: `detector_functions`
- New module: `ring_pattern_utils`
- beam precession is now supported in simulating electron diffraction patterns
- plot method for `DiffractionSimulation`
- more shape factor functions have been added
- This project now keeps a Changelog
- `get_grid_beam_directions`, now works based off of meshes
- the arguments in the `DiffractionGenerator` constructor and the
`DiffractionLibraryGenerator.get_diffraction_library` function have been shuffled so
that the former captures arguments related to "the instrument/physics" while the
latter captures arguments relevant to "the sample/material".
- CI is now provided by github actions
- Python 3.6 testing
- ReciprocalLatticePoint handles having only one point/vector