
Latest version: v3.1.0.post2

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To compare the forthcoming patch release with the latest release from the same branch, set
`--previous_version` as the tag of the previous release (in this example `1.5.0`; remember to update accordingly)

python changelog.py --previous_version 1.5.0 --current_version ${SUPERSET_GITHUB_BRANCH} changelog

Set version number

Finally, bump the version number on `superset-frontend/package.json` (replace with whichever version is being released excluding the RC version):


Then, in `UPDATING.md`, a file that contains a list of notifications around
deprecations and upgrading-related topics,
make sure to move the content now under the `Next Version` section under a new
section for the new release.


When generating the changelog for an initial minor release, you should compare with
the previous release (in the example, the previous release branch is `1.4`, so remember to
update it accordingly):

python changelog.py --previous_version 1.4 --current_version ${SUPERSET_GITHUB_BRANCH} changelog

You can get a list of pull requests with labels started with blocking, risk, hold, revert and security by using the parameter `--risk`.

python changelog.py --previous_version 0.37 --current_version 0.38 changelog --access_token {GITHUB_TOKEN} --risk

The script will checkout both branches, compare all the PRs, and output the lines that are needed to be added to the
`CHANGELOG/<version>.md` file in the root of the repo. Remember to also make sure to update the branch id (with the above command


Commit the change with the version number, then git tag the version with the release candidate and push to the branch:

add changed files and commit
git add ...
git commit ...
push new tag
git push origin ${SUPERSET_VERSION_RC}

Preparing the release candidate

The first step of preparing an Apache Release is packaging a release candidate
to be voted on. Make sure you have correctly prepared and tagged the ready to ship
release on Superset's repo (MAJOR.MINOR branch), the following script will clone
the tag and create a signed source tarball from it:

make_tarball will use the previously set environment variables
you can override by passing arguments: make_tarball.sh <SUPERSET_VERSION> <SUPERSET_VERSION_RC> "<PGP_KEY_FULLNAME>"

Note that `make_tarball.sh`:

- By default, the script assumes you have already executed an SVN checkout to `$HOME/svn/superset_dev`.
This can be overridden by setting `SUPERSET_SVN_DEV_PATH` environment var to a different svn dev directory
- Will refuse to craft a new release candidate if a release already exists on your local svn dev directory
- Will check `package.json` version number and fails if it's not correctly set

Build and test the created source tarball

To build and run the **local copy** of the recently created tarball:

Build and run a release candidate tarball
./test_run_tarball.sh local
you should be able to access localhost:5001 on your browser
login using admin/admin

Shipping to SVN

Now let's ship this RC into svn's dev folder

cd ~/svn/superset_dev/
svn commit -m "Release ${SUPERSET_VERSION_RC}"
svn update

Build and test from SVN source tarball

To build and run the recently created tarball **from SVN**:

Build and run a release candidate tarball
you should be able to access localhost:5001 on your browser
login using admin/admin

Create a release on GitHub

After submitting the tag and testing the release candidate, follow the steps [here](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository) to create the release on GitHub. Use the vote email text as the content for the release description. Make sure to check the "This is a pre-release" checkbox for release candidates. You can check previous releases if you need an example.


Now you're ready to start the [VOTE] thread. Here's an example of a
previous release vote thread:

To easily send a voting request to Superset community, still on the `superset/RELEASING` directory:

Note: use Superset's virtualenv
(venv)$ python generate_email.py vote_pmc

The script will generate the email text that should be sent to devsuperset.apache.org using an email client. The release version and release candidate number are fetched from the previously set environment variables.

Once 3+ binding votes (by PMC members) have been cast and at
least 72 hours have past, you can post a [RESULT] thread:

To easily send the result email, still on the `superset/RELEASING` directory:

Note: use Superset's virtualenv
python generate_email.py result_pmc

The script will interactively ask for extra information needed to fill out the email template. Based on the
voting description, it will generate a passing, non passing or non conclusive email.
Here's an example:

A List of people with +1 binding vote (ex: Max,Grace,Krist): Daniel,Alan,Max,Grace
A List of people with +1 non binding vote (ex: Ville): Ville
A List of people with -1 vote (ex: John):

The script will generate the email text that should be sent to devsuperset.apache.org using an email client. The release version and release candidate number are fetched from the previously set environment variables.

Validating a release

Official instructions:

We now have a handy script for anyone validating a release to use. The core of it is in this very folder, `verify_release.py`. Just make sure you have all three release files in the same directory (`{some version}.tar.gz`, `{some version}.tar.gz.asc` and `{some version}tar.gz.sha512`). Then you can pass this script the path to the `.gz` file like so:
`python verify_release.py ~/path/tp/apache-superset-{version/candidate}-source.tar.gz`

If all goes well, you will see this result in your terminal:

SHA-512 verified
RSA key verified

There are also additional support scripts leveraging this to make it easy for those downloading a release to test it in-situ. You can do either of the following to validate these release assets:

- `cd` into `superset-frontend` and run `npm run validate-release`
- `cd` into `RELEASES` and run `./validate_this_release.sh`

Publishing a successful release

Upon a successful vote, you'll have to copy the folder into the non-"dev/" folder.

cp -r ~/svn/superset_dev/${SUPERSET_VERSION_RC}/ ~/svn/superset/${SUPERSET_VERSION}/
cd ~/svn/superset/
Rename the RC (0.34.1rc1) to the actual version being released (0.34.1)
for f in ${SUPERSET_VERSION}/*; do mv "$f" "${f/${SUPERSET_VERSION_RC}/${SUPERSET_VERSION}}"; done
svn commit -m "Release ${SUPERSET_VERSION}"
svn update

Then tag the final release:

Go to the root directory of the repo, e.g. `~/src/superset`
cd ~/src/superset/
make sure you're on the correct branch (e.g. 0.34)
git branch
Create the release tag
git tag -f ${SUPERSET_VERSION}
push the tag to the remote
git push origin ${SUPERSET_VERSION}

Publishing a Convenience Release to PyPI

Extract the release to the `/tmp` folder to build the PiPY release. Files in the `/tmp` folder will be automatically deleted by the OS.

mkdir -p /tmp/superset && cd /tmp/superset

Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/base.txt
pip install twine

Create the distribution

cd superset-frontend/
npm ci && npm run build
cd ../
flask fab babel-compile --target superset/translations
python setup.py sdist

Publish to PyPI

You may need to ask a fellow committer to grant
you access to it if you don't have access already. Make sure to create
an account first if you don't have one, and reference your username
while requesting access to push packages.

twine upload dist/apache-superset-${SUPERSET_VERSION}.tar.gz

Set your username to `__token__`

Set your password to the token value, including the `pypi-` prefix

More information on https://pypi.org/help/#apitoken


Once it's all done, an [ANNOUNCE] thread announcing the release to the dev mailing list is the final step.

Note use Superset's virtualenv
python generate_email.py announce

The script will generate the email text that should be sent to devsuperset.apache.org using an email client. The release version is fetched from the previously set environment variables.

GitHub Release

Finally, so the GitHub UI reflects the latest release, you should create a release from the
tag corresponding with the new version. Go to https://github.com/apache/superset/tags,
click the 3-dot icon and select `Create Release`, paste the content of the ANNOUNCE thread in the
release notes, and publish the new release.

At this point, a GitHub action will run that will check whether this release's version number is higher than the current 'latest' release. If that condition is true, this release sha will automatically be tagged as `latest` so that the most recent release can be referenced simply by using the 'latest' tag instead of looking up the version number. The existing version number tag will still exist, and can also be used for reference.

Update Superset files

Now that we have a final Apache release we need to open a pull request on Superset with the changes on [CHANGELOG/\<version\>.md](../CHANGELOG) and [UPDATING.md](../UPDATING.md).

We also need to update the Environment section of [ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.yml](../.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE//bug-report.yml) to reflect the new release changes. This includes removing versions that are not supported anymore and adding new ones.



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