
Latest version: v0.6.1

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New Features:
- added a normalize button to the batch widget, which will normalize all batch integrated patterns
to the starting area (i.e. the first 10-30 values of the pattern)
- batch integration starts immediate after selecting the files
- added browsing between folders in batch widget

Bug Fixes:
- fixed issue with image transformations (rotations and flips)
- fix issues with font size on some high dpi settings in white text boxes
- improve resize behavior (dragging the splitter) in the integration view
- fixed issue with resizing batch widget when filepaths were long


New Features:
- added a batch integration view (thanks to hard work of Mikhail Karnevskiy DESY). Here you can batch integrate
your collection series and interact with a contour or 3D plot of the integrated patterns -> this also includes
visualization of phases lines
- reading ESRF hdf5 data files is now possible
- combined patterns from multiple configurations can now be saved as a file (save button on the upper right)

Bug Fixes:
- no longer remove integrated intensities below 0, instead now only values with equal to 0 are removed
(this should fix all the issues with background corrected images)
- reimplemented the automatic file recognition algorithm of the autoprocess integration function. This should now
work much more reliable also on network drives and linux systems
- QT high dpi scaling is now only activated for Windows and Mac OS X -> Disabling it on Linux fixes the display bugs
encountered here and it is usable with low and high dpi screens (it was not working correctly)


New Features:
- pip package has now the correct dependencies

Bug Fixes:
- small bug fixes for batch integration (checks whether calibration or mask is loaded)


New Features:
- Added an azimuthal histogram for the cake view, please check the X-Tab in the integration view to change the
integration bins in 2 theta direction
- Azimuthal range for 1d integration can now be set in the X-Tab

Bug Fixes:
- fix calibration algorithm, which was currently failing most of the time for difficult geometries. It should now
work correctly again as in 0.5.0
- fix display bug which was showing horizontal scroll bar in "calibration parameters" on some linux systems
- disable QT high dpi mode for Linux platforms, which was causing very tiny font sizes. It is working correctly
without it
- fixed pixel width/height definition in the detector calibration definition (it was applied interchanged)


New Features:
- Phase lines can now be shown in the Cake Widget. Intensity is shown as thickness and opacity of the lines.
- Phase line parameters can now be copied out of the jcpds widget by using ctrl+c and used directly in your
preferred table/text editor
- Added a Detector Groupbox in the Calibration Widget. Predefined Detectors can now be loaded as well as Nexus
Detector files. This enables to load e.g. Nexus detector h5 files which include positions for each pixel.
(distortion correction and also useful for combined detector modules not adjacent to each other).
- Added a Continuous Delivery Pipelines, which automatically create executables for all operating systems
(Thanks to Github Actions)

Bug Fixes:
- having parameters fixed during calibration works now correctly
- the refine button now also works without automatic refinement and with just a calibration loaded from a file
- reading trigonal rhombic cif files works now correctly
- setting the dk/dT parameter now changes the Bulk Modulus of a phase. This parameter was previously ignored.
- entering the range for the automatic background subtraction works now correctly
- the motor setup widget is now not showing anymore after starting Dioptas on OS X
- fixed double logarithm for the intensity distribution display histogram
- (re)loading of a project with image transformations should now work correctly
- loading cif files with the newer '_space_group_IT_number' representation work now correctly
- green line in cake widget is now shown correctly upon reloading dioptas


New Features:
- Added the capability of using detector distortion correction defined by spline files generated from Fit2D (please
see the calibration parameters)
- PONI and rotation parameters can now be fixed during the calibration
- redesigned parts of the GUI: (1) the top controls in the Integration view no adapt to the used width, and split
into two groups to make use of the space. (2) Overlay and Phase Control Widgets now are mainly controlled by
buttons and the important parameter can be changed for each item individually in the table. (3) There is now a
a different view mode for the integration view, where image and integrated pattern are shown on the left, and all
control panels are on the right. This can be activated by using the change view button on the lower left.
- the cBN Seat Correction and Detector Incidence Absoprtion Correction Controls have been redesigned
- Added the option to use a transfer correction for image intensities. Please see the Cor tab in the integration
- azimuthal bins and azimuthal range for the cake integration can now be adjusted manually in the X tab
- the cake image can now be exported (press the save button below the image)
- auto-extracted Pattern background can now be saved as file or later reused as overlay
- the background subtraction algorithm is now also rewritten in cython, which should make deployment easier
- a button was added to undo the last peak selection in the calibration tab
- the jcpds editor now also shows q-values for each line

Bug Fixes:
- cosmic removal in the mask panel is now working again
- changing the radial bins in the X tab in the integration view works now correctly again
- phases with trigonal symmetry should now work correctly
- saved background range should now correctly restore after restarting Dioptas
- browsing files works now correctly from 10 to 9 without leading zeros
- loading a *.poni file prior to an image will not result in an error message anymore

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