8bd4365 feat(github): test scanning vulnerabilities
de1bc4b build(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.6.0 to 5.0.7
ffaf588 [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate
4997211 regenerate client
c52acd3 openapi 3.1.0: remove propertyNames from the generated json
9b7ff86 Update default pydantic version
95aca92 sandbox: type mysmatch for PrivateAttr for S3Client
7acae42 MinVersion: lower it, and better error return
333fc81 Subclass AnyUrl instead of annotation for https://pydantic.dev/articles/pydantic-v2-10-release#migrate-to-subclassing-instead-of-annotated-approach-for-pydantic-url-types