* Use robots.txt (issue 1) * Detect and mitigate recursion loops (issue 23) * Improved installation process compatibility (issue 35) * Python 3.7 compatibility (issue 34) * Option ``--not-allow-redirects`` (issue 15) * Option ``--not-follow-subdomains`` (issue 16) * Option ``--max-depth`` to follow link (issue 17)
* Include option: ``--include-flags`` (issue 13) * Option ``--timeout`` (issue 19) * List all file results at end (issue 20) * Unit testing (issue 21) * Support Python 2.7 (issue 22) * Travis configuration (issue 24) * Add and change console colors (issues 25 & 28) * Better documentation (issue 27) * Dirhunt version (issue 29) * Error on urls undefined (issue 30)
* docs.nekmo.org documentation (issue 9) * Change threads number option (issue 7) * Enable/disable progress (issue 18) * Accessibility to enter urls (issues 4 and 12) * Resolved multiple bugs (issues 5, 6, 8 and 10) * Directories found to stdout (issue 11)
* Process one or multiple sites at a time. * Process 'Index Of' pages and report interesting files. * Detect redirectors. * Detect blank index file created on directory to hide things. * Process some html files in search of new directories. * 404 error pages and detect fake 404 errors. * Filter results by flags.