
Latest version: v1.1.4

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This is the stable release of `discord-localization`. This changelog will detail differences from `ezi18n`, the older, deprecated version of this package.

* updated docstrings
* `lang` argument renamed to `locale`, which will be used to refer to it from now on
* `locale` argument now takes `discord.Guild`, `discord.Locale`, `discord.Interaction` and `discord.ext.commands.Context`, for easier discord integration
* `filename` renamed to `relative_path`
* removed `suffix`, you now have to specifically define the path
* added `default_locale` (`Optional[str]`) - a fallback locale if a locale in `localize` wasn't found
* added `error` (`Optional[bool] = False`) - whether to use the `logging` module to log errors or actually raise errors (usually `KeyError` and `TypeError`)
* renamed `t()` / `translate()` to `localize()`, with 4 aliases: `_`, `t`, `translate`, `localise`
* renamed internal variables
* improved errors
* added examples
* the dist folder is now in .gitignore
* updated readme

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