* The built-in logger has been somewhat redone.
* It now has a fancy mode, settable using `Discordrb::LOGGER.fancy = true/false`, that makes use of ANSI escape codes to prettify the log output.
* It now supports more things than just `debug`, there's also `warn`, `error`, `good`, `info`, `in`, and `out`.
* You now have finer control over what gets output, using `Discordrb::LOGGER.mode=` which accepts one of `:debug`, `:verbose`, `:normal`, `:quiet`, `:silent`.
* You can now log in with just a token by setting the email parameter to `:token` and the password to the token you want to log in with.
* DCA playback now supports `DCA1`.
* All data classes (now generalized using the `IDObject` mixin) have a `creation_date` parameter that specifies when the object was created.
* `Channelmention` was added that mentions a channel analogous to `Usermention`.
* The aliases `tag` and `discord_tag` have been added to the discriminator because that's what Discord calls them now.
* A problem some users had where voice playback would leak FFmpeg processes has been fixed.
* The VWS internal thread now has a name in debug messages (`vws-i`)
* Users' voice channels should now always be set if they are in one