
Latest version: v1.0.1b0

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New Features

- Support for "Application Command Interaction Data Resolved Structure".

- Added ``.lookup_resolved_member``, ``.lookup_resolved_user``, ``.lookup_resolved_channel``, ``.lookup_resolved_role`` methods to ``IncomingDiscordInteraction``. (closes 55)

- Added ``Role``, ``PartialChannel``, ``PartialMember`` models.

- Added ``PerCommandRegistrationSettings`` object. This object is required to register commands located inside a ``EventCollection``.

- Added ``on`` function to ``dispike.interactions``. If you do not wish to use an ``EventCollection``, you can use this function and later register it with Dispike by passing the function to ``.register_event_command``.

- Added ``EventCollection`` to allow for similarly grouped commands to be developed in a single class. Feedback is helpful! 46
class StockTicker(interactions.EventCollection):

def command_schemas() -> typing.List[
typing.Union[interactions.PerCommandRegistrationSettings, DiscordCommand]
"""Return a list of commands to be registered
return [

async def sample_interactions(*args, **kwargs) -> DiscordResponse:
return DiscordResponse(content="testing")

async def sample_interactions(*args, **kwargs) -> DiscordResponse:
return DiscordResponse(content="testing")

register collection

bot = Dispike(...)
bot.register_event_collection(collection=StockTicker(), register_command_with_discord=True)

- Support for NUMBER Command Type (closes 48)
- ``PermissionsGenerator`` is a helper class to assist you in creating proper permissions for a command. Punch in some arguments and it will spit out a ``NewApplicationPermission``. You can import it from ``dispike.helpers``
- Added a class for Deferred Empherical Responses. It is located in ``dispike.resposnes``. Functionality is identical to ``DeferredResponse``.

Breaking Changes

- 🚨 **Modules, classes and other items have been reorganized!**. Please read the changes on 52!

- ``bot.interactions.on`` has been deprecated. Please use ``bot.on`` instead or ``dispike.interactions.on``.
- ``EventHandler`` class has been removed, most of the functions have been implemented inside ``Dispike``
- The following commands now will raise an ``DiscordAPIError`` if the Discord API returns an unexpected status code.
- ``set_command_permission``
- ``async_set_command_permission``
- ``async_get_command_permission_in_guild``
- ``async_get_all_command_permissions_in_guild``
- ``get_all_command_permissions_in_guild``
- ``get_command_permission_in_guild``
- Bot Tokens are no longer required to initialize a ``Dispike`` object.. Accessing methods, attributes or functions that require a bot token (such as registering commands) will now raise a new exception: ``dispike.errors.dispike.BotTokenNotProvided``. Certain features are still available without a bot token. Such as sending deferred messages or just responding to interactions. (closes 51)
- DiscordResponse will now raise an exception ``dispike.errors.responses.InvalidDiscordResponse`` for certain combinations of values. (closes 50)
- Added ``default_permission`` to ``DiscordCommand``.. Learn more [here](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/slash-commands#permissions). This value is set to ``True`` by default. (closes 53)

- Accessing methods such as ``.lookup_resolved_channel`` in ``IncomingDiscordInteraction`` with no resolved structures will now raise ``dispike.errors.response.NoResolvedInteractions``.

- ``CommandTypes`` has been changed to ``OptionTypes``. A new class of actual command types has been added. (thanks mrshmllow)
- ``IncomingDiscordOptionList`` changed to ``IncomingDiscordSlashData`` to better match what it actually is. (thanks mrshmllow)
- ``IncomingDiscordInteraction`` changed to ``IncomingDiscordSlashInteraction`` (thanks mrshmllow)
- ``DiscordCommand`` now takes a type which defaults to ``CommandTypes.SLASH`` (AKA Type 1) (thanks mrshmllow)
- ``DiscordCommand`` now validates that slash commands contain a description. (thanks mrshmllow)
- ``DiscordCommand`` now validates that context commands (Currently only ``MESSAGE``, ``USER``) do not have a description or options. (thanks mrshmllow)

- New events: (thanks mrshmllow)

- New WIP classes ``Message`` and ``MessageAttachment``. Discord says they will add attachments as a option type in the future. (thanks mrshmllow)
- New ``IncomingInteraction`` ctx classes ``IncomingDiscordUserCommandInteraction`` and ``IncomingDiscordMessageCommandInteraction`` (thanks mrshmllow)

Misc Fixes, and changes
- 🎉 **Dispike is now leaving alpha stage!** Thank you to all the contributors who helped out! While things are more stable, this library can still go through sudden breaking changes! Developers are encouraged to keep tabs on this repository and open issues for unexpected behaviors.
- ``UserWarnings`` and ``DeprecationWarnings`` will now appear on certain deprecated functions.
- Passing ``middleware_testing_skip_verification_key_request`` to Dispike will now disable the request verifier in ``DiscordVerificationMiddleware``. (If you are using ``DiscordVerificationMiddleware`` in another starlette-based application, you can pass ``testing_skip_verification_of_key`` to the middleware to skip checks).
- Command Choices will now accept integers and floats.
- You can now clear callbacks by using the method ``clear_all_event_callbacks`` on Dispike.
- All functions from ``EventHandler`` have been moved to the main dispike object.
- Logging to stdout will no longer be default in a future release of Dispike(You will need to pass a parameter ``enable_logging``) to enable logging. Developers are encouraged to still [configure logging through loguru's settings](https://loguru.readthedocs.io/en/stable/)
- Dispike will now log any outgoing http requests.
- Tweaks to event name callback determination. (closes 56)
- ``.get_commands``, ``.edit_commands`` and ``.delete_commands`` now can accept an ``IncomingApplicationCommand`` for argument ``command_id``.



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