
Latest version: v0.2.1

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No changes to the installed module. Only some updates to the
toolchain to build and install it.



Incompatible changes

+ `4`_, `5`_: Move from `distutils` to `setuptools`. As a result,
the command classes defined by `distutils-pytest` need to be
explicitly passed in the `cmdclass` keyword argument to `setup()`.

+ `3`_: Drop support for Python 3.3 and older.

Bug fixes and minor changes

+ `3`_: Use :mod:`setuptools_scm` to manage the version number.

.. _3: https://github.com/RKrahl/distutils-pytest/pull/3
.. _4: https://github.com/RKrahl/distutils-pytest/issues/4
.. _5: https://github.com/RKrahl/distutils-pytest/pull/5



Initial release as an independent Python module. This code was first
developed as part of a larger package, `python-icat`_, at
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie.

.. _python-icat: https://python-icat.readthedocs.io/



Has known vulnerabilities

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