
Latest version: v1.0.0

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This release adds support for Django 1.8-2.0. Previous versions of Django are no longer
supported. This puts this project on a stable footing for the next few years
of Django support and that is now reflected in the version.



This release adds support for 1.7 and the new style migrations. If you are using Django < 1.7
and South >= 1.0 this should continue to work without issue.

For those using Django < 1.7 and South < 1.0 you'll need
to add the ``SOUTH_MIGRATION_MODULES`` setting to point to the old South migrations.

.. code-block:: python

'adcode': 'adcode.south_migrations',

No new migrations were added for this release but this will be the new location for future migrations. If your
DB tables are up to date from v0.4.X then upgrading to 1.7 and running::

python migrate adcode

should automatically fake the initial migration using the new-style migrations.

- Added support for Django 1.7 migrations
- Added customizable AppConfig for Django 1.7
- Refactored signal handling for caching to use the AppConfig if available
- Dropped Django 1.3 support. Minimum version is now Django 1.4.2
- Dropped support for Python 2.6



- Reorganized test suite to ensure compatibility with test runner in Django 1.6
- Refactored Travis CI integration



A fairly minor release and users should feel safe to upgrade. Beyond some helpful
new documentation there is experimental support for Python 3.2+. This requires
using Django 1.5 or higher.


- Documentation for integrating DoubleClick tags
- Documentation for integrating OpenX tags
- Travis CI integration
- Experimental Python 3 (3.2+) support



Bug Fixes

- Added missing IAB sizes from the Universal Ad Package. (Issue 10)
- Fixed minor formatting issue with template syntax error message.



This release made a few changes to the model fields. To upgrade you should run::

python migrate adcode

This assumes you are using South. Otherwise you should manually add the ``priority``
column to your ``adcode_section`` table.


- Added width/height properties to Placement model.
- Added priority field for Sections to resolve overlapping regex patterns.
- Additional defaults for model admin clases.
- Caching and performance improvements.
- Fixture for standard IAB ad sizes.

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