
Latest version: v1.4.0

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* added DashboardStats.queryset_modifiers to allow to modify queryset before it is used in chart, e.g. to add prefetch_related, filters or execute annotation functions. Fixed criteria are now deprecated in favour of queryset_modifiers.
* values in divided chart now are filtered by other criteria choices
* removed support for other JSONFields than Django's native JSONField, removed ADMIN_CHARTS_USE_JSONFIELD setting
* admin charts are loaded by JS including chart controls for quicker admin index load
* --time-until option was added to the `recalculate_charts` management command to recalculate charts only until given date
* CriteriaToStatsM2M.choices_based_on_time_range field changed it's meaning. Now choices are always calculated for whole time range. Value of this choice determines the way how the choices are calculated.



* fix for Django 5.0 DashboardStats admin add view



* set BigAutoField as app default
* remove support for Django<=3.1
* fix hardcoded url in admin_charts.js template



* add recalculate_charts management command
* fix linting
* forbid to insert non-working characters into chart_key



* add missing migration



* remove unnecessary (wrongly added) permission and explain which permission to enable in error message

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