
Latest version: v1.6

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If at least one of geomap_longitude/geomap_latitude properties returns an empty string, then the corresponding object will not be displayed on the map. For example, objects that do not have coordinates or some kind of "secret" objects from your database.

Bugfix: Fix error on action delete in admin panel.



Default implementation of the GeoItem geomap_popup_view, geomap_popup_edit and geomap_popup_common properties fail for models with quotes in its __str()__ representation.


By default, this mode is disabled. You can enable autozoom mode when displaying objects on the map both in regular views and in the Django admin panel.

The autozoom mode works differently depending on the number of objects that you want to display on the map.

If the list of displayed objects is empty, the autozoom mode is disabled.

If the list contains one object, then the map center is set to the coordinates of this object, and the map scale is set to the value of the autozoom parameter (10 for the examples above).

If the list contains more than one object, the program determines the minimum rectangle that contains all the displayed objects. The center of the map is set to the coordinates of the center of this rectangle. The scale of the map is set in such a way as to contain the given rectangle with some indents along the edges.


Openlayers framework version 6.6.1 not available and removed from public access.


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