
Latest version: v2.2.3

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- Fixed regression from 0.6.0: Multiple sortable inlines are now possible again.


- Removed global variables from Javascript namespace.


- Compatible with Django 1.9.
- In the list view, it now is possible to move items to any arbitrary page.


- Changed the namespace from `adminsortable` to `adminsortable2` to allow both this project and
[django-admin-sortable]( to co-exist in
the same project. This is helpful for projects to transition from one to the other library.
It also allows existing projects\'s migrations which previously relied on django-admin-sortable
to continue to work.


- Use property method `media()` instead of hard coded `Media` class.
- Use the `verbose_name` from the column used to keep the order of fields instead of a
hard coded \"Sort\".
- When updating order in change_list_view, use the CSRF protection token.


- Fixed issue \25:
`admin.TabularInline` problem in Django 1.5.x
- Fixed problem when adding new Inline Form Fields.
- PEP8 cleanup.

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