
Latest version: v0.9.3

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**Important information if you are upgrading from a previous version**

Starting from this version, django-admin-tools requires Django 1.3 or
superior. If you're running Django < 1.3, DO NOT UPGRADE and stay with
the 0.4.1 version.

* Compatibility with Django 1.4 and Django 1.5
* Upgraded to latest jQuery / jQuery-ui
* Many bug fixes and small improvements



* Static files and django 1.3 support
* Fixed modules instanciation issues (fixes 65)
* Nested groups support & better html id generation (fixes issue 70)
* Fixed various js and css problems
* Added translation for Finnish + updates on other languages
* More robust dashboard layout
* Added force_show_title property to Group module



**Important information if you are upgrading from a previous version**

This release of django-admin-tools introduces support for south database
migrations, if you are **not** using south you can skip this step.

Existing django-admin-tools should do the following::

python migrate --fake admin_tools.dashboard
python migrate --fake

New users should do::

python migrate admin_tools.dashboard
python migrate

**Major changes**

* big improvements of the API (see the dashboard and menu documentation for
details), the old API is still supported but now deprecated;
* added a ModelList menu item;
* custom and multiple admin sites basic support;
* better integration with django-grappelli;
* django south support.

**Bugfixes and minor changes**

* Fixed issue 40 (python 2.5 compatibility);
* Fixed issue 49: disable rendering of empty group modules;
* Fixed issue 51: more robust test runner;
* Fixed issues 57 and 58: updated custom dashboard and menu template files
to reflect the current code;
* Fixed issue 60: explicitely set color for links in module content;
* Some fixes for the future django 1.3;
* Fixes issue 61: Create empty preferences instance if user has no
preferences saved yet.
* Fixed issue 62: updated base template to reflect django 1.2 changes;
* Fixed various js namespace pollutions;
* Improved docs;
* CZ locale support.

For more informations please see:



**Major changes**

* added tests infrastructure, code coverage is around 70%;
* import paths and class names are changed. Old class names and paths are
deprecated but still work;
* ``dashboard.modules.AppList``, ``dashboard.modules.ModelList`` and
``menu.items.AppList`` now have ability to display any models from different
apps (using glob syntax) via ``models`` and ``exclude`` parameters.
The order is now preserved. See 15;
* implemented dashboard module groups : you can now group modules in tabs,
accordion or in a stacked layout.

**Bugfixes and minor change**

* moved the menu and dashboard template dirs in a "admin_tools" directory to
avoid name conflicts with other apps, for example: django-cms
* fixed bookmark bugs. The saved url was urlencoded, so we need to decode it
before we save it. Added a clean_url method to the ``BookmarkForm``.
Fixes 25;
* build urlpatterns conditionally regarding the content of ``INSTALLED_APPS``;
* better display of selected menu items;
* avoid a useless ajax GET request for retrieving dashboard preferences;
* upgraded jquery and jquery ui and renamed the files to more generic names;
* don't show bookmark form if ``NoReverseError``. This was breaking the
``django.contrib.auth`` unit tests;
* fixed url lookup for remove bookmark form;
* fixed issue 26 (menu bar showing for non-staff users) and also updated
templates to match the django 1.2 templates;
* fixed issue 29 : Django 1.2 admin base template change;
* changed the way js files are loaded, hopefully now they are loaded
syncronously (fixes issue 32);
* fixed issue 33: empty applist menu items should not be displayed;
* fixed issue 34: can't drag modules into an empty column;
* fixed issue 35 (wrong docstring for menu).

**New class names and paths**


- admin_tools.dashboard.models.Dashboard => admin_tools.dashboard.Dashboard
- admin_tools.dashboard.models.DefaultIndexDashboard => admin_tools.dashboard.DefaultIndexDashboard
- admin_tools.dashboard.models.DefaultAppIndexDashboard => admin_tools.dashboard.DefaultAppIndexDashboard
- admin_tools.dashboard.models.AppIndexDashboard => admin_tools.dashboard.AppIndexDashboard
- admin_tools.dashboard.models.DashboardModule => admin_tools.dashboard.modules.DashboardModule
- admin_tools.dashboard.models.AppListDashboardModule => admin_tools.dashboard.modules.AppList
- admin_tools.dashboard.models.ModelListDashboardModule => admin_tools.dashboard.modules.ModelList
- admin_tools.dashboard.models.LinkListDashboardModule => admin_tools.dashboard.modules.LinkList
- admin_tools.dashboard.models.FeedDashboardModule => admin_tools.dashboard.modules.Feed


- =>
- =>
- =>
- =>
- =>


Now, django-admin-tools stores menu and dashboard preferences in the database,
so you'll need to run syncdb and to add the django-admin-tools urls to your
urlconf. These steps are described in details in the documentation.
You'll also need to add ``admin_tools`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` for the
locales to work (this was not documented in previous versions).



* fixed documentation issues;
* added locales;
* fixed issue 9: don't fail when feedparser is not installed;
* fixed issue 5: implemented dashboard layout persistence in cookies;
* enable all modules by default in the default dashboard;
* fixed recent actions log entry urls when displayed in app_index;
* added a "bookmarks" menu item and the code to manage bookmarks;
* fixed jquery issues with django 1.2.

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