
Latest version: v0.0.9

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies


- Updating certificate validation issues to return an error code rather than 200 OK
- Adding carveout for port 'none' when no port is explicitly specified
- Adding port check (scheme isn't sufficient)
- Changing to make sure the request isn't old (in addition to isn't from the future)
- Fix misc issues with README
- Ensure that dependencies installed properly, and fix typo in README
- moved todo from the readme to github issues
- pep8 fixes for latest changes
- Multi App rework, more cleaner management commands, more api isolation
- Allow response builder to automatically append reprompt
- fix docstring on responsebuilder
- Add support for new slot types
- add default utterances for default intents
- change build badge to master branch only


- unneeded test requirements
- travis ci fixes
- fix tests
- pep8 fixes
- trying to add ci
- fix code block in readme


- fix pypi readme and add badges to github readme


- readme updates
- fix .gitignore
- Inital Project API blockout
- Initial commit



Has known vulnerabilities

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