
Latest version: v0.9.0

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There are two South migrations included with this release. To upgrade you should run::

python migrate allaccess

If you are not using South, you will not need to change your database schema because
the underlying field type did not change. However, you should re-save all existing
``AccountAccess`` instances to ensure that their access tokens go through the encryption step

.. code-block:: python

from allaccess.models import AccountAccess

for access in AccountAccess.objects.all():


- ``OAuthRedirect`` view can now specify a callback URL
- ``OAuthRedirect`` view can now specify additional permissions
- Context processor for adding enabled providers to the template context
- User access tokens are stored with AES encryption
- Documentation on customizing the view workflow behaviors
- Travis CI integration

Bug Fixes

- Fixed OAuth2Client to include ``grant_type`` paramater when requesting access token
- Fixed OAuth2Client to match current OAuth draft for access token response as well as legacy response from Facebook

Backwards Incompatible Changes

- Moving the construction on the callback from the client to the view changed the signature of the client ``get_redirect_url``, ``get_redirect_args``, ``get_request_token`` (OAuth 1.0 only) and ``get_access_token`` to include the callback. These are largely internal functions and likely will not impact existing applications.
- The ``AccountAccess.access_token`` field was changed from a plain text field to an encrypted field. See previous note on migrating this data.



- Fixed bug with passing incorrect callback parameter for OAuth 1.0
- Additional documentation on configuring ``LOGIN_URL`` and ``LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL``
- Additional view tests
- Handled poor ``LOGIN_URL`` and ``LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL`` settings in view tests



- Initial public release.

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