
Latest version: v0.11.1

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* Fixed a bug when using a custom adapter that doesn't inherit from
``OTPAdapter`` and that overrides the ``login`` method.



* Properly continue the allauth login workflow after successful 2FA login, e.g.
send allauth signals
* Support using ``MIDDLEWARE`` setting with Django 1.10.
* Support customer ``USERNAME_FIELD`` on the auth model.



* Fix an error when hitting the TwoFactorBackupTokens view as a non-anonymous



* Properly handle an ``AnonymousUser`` hitting the views.



* Support custom ``User`` models.
* Fixed a bug where a user could end up half logged in if they didn't complete
the two-factor login flow. A user's login flow will now be reset. Requires
enabled the included middle: ``allauth_2fa.middleware.AllauthTwoFactorMiddleware``.
* Disable autocomplete on the two-factor code input form.
* Properly redirect anonymous users.
* Minor simplifications of code (and inherit more code from django-otp).
* Minor updates to documentation.



* Add tests / tox / Travis support.
* Don't pin dependencies.
* Officially support Django 1.10, drop support for Django 1.7.

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