Note worthy changes
- account: Dropped dependency on the emailconfirmation app,
integrating its functionality into the account app. This change is
of major impact, please refer to the documentation on how to
- account: Documented ACCOUNT_USERNAME_REQUIRED. This is actually
not a new setting, but it somehow got overlooked in the
- account/socialaccount: Dropped the _tags postfix from the
template tag libraries. Simply use {% load account %} and {% load
socialaccount %}.
- Added signup and social login signals.
- SoundCloud: Rabi Alam contributed a SoundCloud provider, thanks!
- account: Sam Solomon cleaned up the e-mail management view:
added proper redirect after POSTs, prevent deletion of primary
e-mail. Thanks.
- account: When signing up, instead of generating a completely
random username a more sensible username is automatically derived
from first/last name or e-mail.
Backwards incompatible changes
- ``allauth`` now depends on Django 1.4 or higher.
- Major impact: dropped dependency on the ``emailconfirmation`` app, as
this project is clearly left unmaintained. Important tickets such
as https://github.com/pinax/django-email-confirmation/pull/5 are not
being addressed. All models and related functionality have been
directly integrated into the ``allauth.account`` app. When upgrading
take care of the following:
- The ``emailconfirmation`` setting ``EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DAYS`` has been
- Instead of directly confirming the e-mail address upon the GET
request the confirmation is now processed as part of an explicit
POST. Therefore, a new template ``account/email_confirm.html`` must
be setup.
- Existing ``emailconfirmation`` data should be migrated to the new
tables. For this purpose a special management command is
available: ``python manage.py
account_emailconfirmationmigration``. This command does not drop
the old ``emailconfirmation`` tables -- you will have to do this
manually yourself. Why not use South? EmailAddress uniqueness
depends on the configuration (``ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_EMAIL``), South does
not handle settings dependent database models.
- ``{% load account_tags %}`` is deprecated, simply use: ``{% load account %}``
- ``{% load socialaccount_tags %}`` is deprecated, simply use:
``{% load socialaccount %}``