
Latest version: v0.1.0

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Note worthy changes

- account: Dropped dependency on the emailconfirmation app,
integrating its functionality into the account app. This change is
of major impact, please refer to the documentation on how to

- account: Documented ACCOUNT_USERNAME_REQUIRED. This is actually
not a new setting, but it somehow got overlooked in the

- account/socialaccount: Dropped the _tags postfix from the
template tag libraries. Simply use {% load account %} and {% load
socialaccount %}.

- Added signup and social login signals.

- SoundCloud: Rabi Alam contributed a SoundCloud provider, thanks!

- account: Sam Solomon cleaned up the e-mail management view:
added proper redirect after POSTs, prevent deletion of primary
e-mail. Thanks.

- account: When signing up, instead of generating a completely
random username a more sensible username is automatically derived
from first/last name or e-mail.

Backwards incompatible changes

- ``allauth`` now depends on Django 1.4 or higher.

- Major impact: dropped dependency on the ``emailconfirmation`` app, as
this project is clearly left unmaintained. Important tickets such
as are not
being addressed. All models and related functionality have been
directly integrated into the ``allauth.account`` app. When upgrading
take care of the following:

- The ``emailconfirmation`` setting ``EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DAYS`` has been

- Instead of directly confirming the e-mail address upon the GET
request the confirmation is now processed as part of an explicit
POST. Therefore, a new template ``account/email_confirm.html`` must
be setup.

- Existing ``emailconfirmation`` data should be migrated to the new
tables. For this purpose a special management command is
available: ``python
account_emailconfirmationmigration``. This command does not drop
the old ``emailconfirmation`` tables -- you will have to do this
manually yourself. Why not use South? EmailAddress uniqueness
depends on the configuration (``ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_EMAIL``), South does
not handle settings dependent database models.

- ``{% load account_tags %}`` is deprecated, simply use: ``{% load account %}``

- ``{% load socialaccount_tags %}`` is deprecated, simply use:
``{% load socialaccount %}``



Note worthy changes

- Facebook: Facundo Gaich contributed support for dynamically
deriving the Facebook locale from the Django locale, thanks!.

- OAuth: All OAuth/OAuth2 tokens are now consistently stored
across the board. Cleaned up OAuth flow removing superfluous

- Facebook: Dropped Facebook SDK dependency.

- socialaccount: DRY focused refactoring of social login.

- socialaccount: Added support for Google OAuth2 and Facebook
OAuth2. Fixed GitHub.

- account: Added verified_email_required decorator.

- socialaccount: When signing up, user.first/last_name where
always taken from the provider signup data, even when a custom
signup form was in place that offered user inputs for editting
these fields. Fixed.

Backwards incompatible changes




Note worthy changes

- account: Added ACCOUNT_USER_DISPLAY to render a user name
without making assumptions on how the user is represented.

- allauth, socialaccount: Removed the last remaining bits of
hardcodedness with respect to the enabled social authentication

- account: Added ACCOUNT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD setting, supporting
login by username, e-mail or both.

Backwards incompatible changes

- The ``ACCOUNT_EMAIL_AUTHENTICATION`` setting has been dropped in favor

- The login form field is now always named ``login``. This used to by
either ``username`` or ``email``, depending on the authentication
method. If needed, update your templates accordingly.

- The ``allauth`` template tags (containing template tags for
OpenID, Twitter and Facebook) have been removed. Use the
``socialaccount`` template tags instead (specifically: ``{% provider_login_url
... %}``).

- The ``allauth.context_processors.allauth`` context processor has been
removed, in favor of
``allauth.socialaccount.context_processors.socialaccount``. In doing
so, all hardcodedness with respect to providers (e.g
``allauth.facebook_enabled``) has been removed.



Note worthy changes

- account: Added setting ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH for
specifying the minimum password length.

- socialaccount: Added generic OAuth2 support. Added GitHub
support as proof of concept.

- socialaccount: More refactoring: generic provider & OAuth
consumer approach. Added LinkedIn support to test this approach.

- socialaccount: Introduced generic models for storing social
apps, accounts and tokens in a central and consistent manner,
making way for adding support for more account providers. Note:
there is more refactoring to be done -- this first step only
focuses on the database models.

- account: E-mail confirmation mails are now automatically resent
whenever a user attempts to login with an unverified e-mail

Backwards incompatible changes

- Upgrade your ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``: Replace ``allauth.<provider>``
(where provider is one of ``twitter``, ``facebook`` or ``openid``) with

- All provider related models (``FacebookAccount``, ``FacebookApp``,
``TwitterAccount``, ``TwitterApp``, ``OpenIDAccount``) have been unified
into generic ``SocialApp`` and ``SocialAccount`` models. South migrations
are in place to move the data over to the new models, after which
the original tables are dropped. Therefore, be sure to run migrate
using South.



Note worthy changes

- account: The render_value parameter of all PasswordInput fields
used can now be configured via a setting.

- account: Added support for prefixing the subject of sent emails.

- account: Added support for a plugging in a custom signup form
used for additional questions to ask during signup.

- account: ``is_active`` is no longer used to keep users with an
unverified e-mail address from loging in.

- Dropping uniform dependency. Moved uniform templates into
example project.

Backwards incompatible changes




Note worthy changes

- The e-mail authentication backend now attempts to use the
'username' parameter as an e-mail address. This is needed to
properly integrate with other apps invoking authenticate.

- SmileyChris contributed support for automatically generating a
user name at signup when ``ACCOUNT_USERNAME_REQUIRED`` is set to

- Vuong Nguyen contributed support for (optionally) asking for the
password just once during signup

- The Twitter oauth sequence now respects the "oauth_callback"
parameter instead of defaulting to the callback URL
configured at Twitter.

- Pass along ``?next=`` parameter between login and signup views.

- Added Dutch translation.

- Added template tags for pointing to social login URLs. These
tags automatically pass along any ``?next=``
parameter. Additionally, added an overall allauth_tags that
gracefully degrades when e.g. allauth.facebook is not installed.

- Pass along next URL, if any, at ``/accounts/social/signup/``.

- Duplicate email address handling could throw a
MultipleObjectsReturned exception, fixed.

- Removed separate social account login view, in favour of having
a single unified login view including both forms of login.

- Added support for passing along a next URL parameter to
Facebook, OpenID logins.

- Added support for django-avatar, copying the Twitter profile
image locally on signup.

- ``allauth/account/`` (``BaseSignupForm.clean_email``): With
``ACCOUNT_EMAIL_REQUIRED=False``, empty email addresses were
considered duplicates. Fixed.

- The existing migrations for allauth.openid were not compatible
with MySQL due to the use of an URLField with max_length above
255. The issue has now been addressed but unfortunately at the
cost of the existing migrations for this app. Existing
installations will have to be dealt with manually (altering the
"identity" column of OpenIDAccount, deleting ghost migrations).

Backwards incompatible changes

- None

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