Note worthy changes
- Added a dummy provider, useful for testing purposes: ``allauth.socialaccount.providers.dummy``.
- Added a new provider, Atlassian
- Next URL handling been streamlined to be consistently applied. Previously, the
password reset, change and email confirmation views only supported the
``success_url`` class-level property.
- Added support for logging in by email using a special code, also known as
"Magic Code Login"
- Email addresses are now always stored as lower case. For rationale, see the
note about email case sensitivity in the documentation.
- You can now alter the ``state`` parameter that is typically passed to the
provider by overriding the new ``generate_state_param()`` adapter method.
- The URLs were not "hackable". For example, while ``/accounts/login/`` is valid
``/accounts/`` was not. Similarly, ``/accounts/social/connections/`` was
valid, but ``/accounts/social/`` resulted in a 404. This has been
addressed. Now, ``/accounts/`` redirects to the login or email management
page, depending on whether or not the user is authenticated. All
``/accounts/social/*`` URLs are now below ``/accounts/3rdparty/*``, where
``/accounts/social/connections`` is moved to the top-level
``/accounts/3rdparty/``. The old endpoints still work as redirects are in
- Added a new setting, ``SOCIALACCOUNT_ONLY``, which when set to ``True``,
disables all functionality with respect to local accounts.
- The OAuth2 handshake was not working properly in case of
``SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE = "Strict"``, fixed.
- Facebook: the default Graph API version is now v19.0.
Backwards incompatible changes
- The django-allauth required dependencies are now more fine grained. If you do
not use any of the social account functionality, a ``pip install
django-allauth`` will, e.g., no longer pull in dependencies for handling
JWT. If you are using social account functionality, install using ``pip install
"django-allauth[socialaccount]"``. That will install the dependencies covering
most common providers. If you are using the Steam provider, install using ``pip
install django-allauth[socialaccount,steam]``.